If you thought that Didda Bohlen lies only about his singing and musical abilities, then you’re immensely wrong. Anything that he touches and touches him, he has to lie about it. It’s in his nature to lie, and lying about his real identity as well as his parents, makes no exception to the case.

Dieter Bohlen “was born” in Bern, Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, to “parents” called Hans and Edith Bohlen. His father was the leader of a construction company that was bankrupted several times. Bohlen’s childhood was characterized by being bullied at school and having a strict father who’d constantly “give him lessons” with the shoe.

The former member of the German communist party disliked bureaucrats and capitalists, apparently, and this commendable, rebellious side of Dieter we don’t see it anywhere in his character now. Because he has now turned what he used to hate. He now has turned into a liar, who lies just as much as he breathes.

A young brunette Bohlen.

Rebellious Dieter didn’t want anything to do with the Bausteller, despite the pursuit of business management. He wanted to be involved in music. He strung a few notes on guitar and even played in local pub bands. Before becoming a prominent songwriter for Schlager music, and later Modern Talking, his previous personal works either were sent back or barely made it to the least popular local radio.

His childhood, on his own words, was anything but pleasant. The classmates and his father, Hans Bohlen beat him up, and whenever his son was disobedient. Even the guitar, which Bohlen bought with his money, was crushed on the ground by his father.

Dieter Bohlen’s first TV appearance in 1981 with band “Sunday”

The huge breakthrough with Modern Talking, which came in 1985, not only gave him opportunities to compose for more artists but also made him a millionaire overnight. His previous collaboration with Thomas Anders involving German songs ended up in failure, too. But later, the times changed.

With the success growing, the character was changing. About Thomas, he said that success changed his character just as alcohol changes you when you’re drunk. But this only applies to Bohlen.

Hans & Edith Bohlen

He had to lie and deceive to be successful. He needs to take advantage of people and take away their money. He became what he once hated, a capitalist. The more successful he became, the more he lied, and the more he got exposed.

Didda, the complete failure “nepo-baby”, thinks he can fool people about who he is by telling sob stories to his naive audience who thinks he is the German pride who pays taxes. It wasn’t really hard for him to become successful. The help he had wasn’t just limited to his exploitations but also involved other people… his REAL family. All he had to do was to take advantage of Thomas… But this, we will talk about later.

The lying Didda doesn’t really come from a poor family whose company went bankrupt three times, but rather a German family with name and wealth. A notorious family. This past of him, which we will reveal, is a stain in his life that he has to bury underground, not to let it be known. And you’ll see why.

Krupp family & Adolf Hitler

In Germany, there existed the infamous “Krupp-von Bohlen” family of industrialists, perhaps Germany’s most famous billionaire family. That supplied Adolf Hitler with weaponry and created the largest and strongest artillery and weaponry factory in the world. After World War II ended, the Krupps were sent to the Nuremberg trial. To this day, the Krupps don’t have a known descendant to their inheritance, because Arndt Krupp von Bohlen, whom we’ll talk about much later, gave up on it. 

The marriage of Gustav Bohlen and Bertha Krupp resulted in the merging of both families, which was later called “Krupp-von Bohlen und Halbach”. The couple gave birth to seven children: Berthold Krupp, Irmgard, Claus, Harald, Alfried, Eckbert, and Waldtraut. The family of industrialists in question is Krupp, not Bohlen. The Bohlens in general, are originally an ancient family with Frisian-Dutch ancestry, while the Bohlens in question, which means the parents of Gustav Bohlen, were German-American immigrants.

The aforementioned Krupps, such as Alfried, Harald or Arndt, all studied industrial economy and business management: The same degree that Dieter pursued in the University of Goettingen.

Coincidence? We think not.

Gustav Bohlen

Gustav & Bertha Krupp

Unfortunately, Bohlen cannot tell where he comes from because as we said, this is a stain in his life. It’s easy to boast about being the son of a billionaire family with a prominent name. Besides, the Krupps are now seen with a good eye just as every billionaire family with former Nazis in their bloodline, because “they learned from history”. The average German not only does not care about such “theories”, but also does not believe that some sinister things have happened and will always happen especially when it comes to billionaire families or royal families in Germany… Just look at the British Royal Family.

Young Dieter with the guitar

But for Dieter, this is difficult. He cannot tell about being a child of a billionaire. Because nobody has to know the background, and what happened before he came to this life. And neither the Krupps don’t want to reveal, how one of their heirs “misbehaved”.

This stain in Bohlen’s life was settled before he was even born. His real father, Harald Krupp von Bohlen, was in an illegal relationship with Germany’s most famous courtesan, or let’s say, prostitute, Rosalie Nitribitt, who was murdered in cold blood at the end of October 1957. Her murderer is yet to be found to this day.

Or if it was a murder and not a cover-up… if the police comes up to the crime scene and destroys all the evidence due to so-called unprofessionalism, it cannot be called a murder anymore, but a cover-up. Right?

Rosalie Nitribitt
Harald Krupp

Harald loved Rosalie so much, despite who she was. And this love gave them a child: they named him Dietrich. And he was sent away to another family. Didda’s “mother”, Edith, boasted once how her husband’s company started off with zero capital and “became” successful despite several bankruptcies. Listen, if you want to lie, at least lie properly. We all know it did not start with zero capital, and we all know where the capital came from. Besides, everybody in Germany had already heard of how the company was bankrupted three times.

Or if it was…

The erotic love letters and the registered telephone calls between Harald Krupp and Rosemarie Nitribitt.
Harald Krupp (second from the left) picture alliance.

Going back to the “murder” of Rosalie, the main suspect for the murder was considered Heinz Pohlmann, a businessman and a friend of Nitribitt. He served almost 8 months in prison but had to be released much later due to lack of evidence. Pohlmann was very inconsistent in his confessions, which further slowed down the police in finding the killer.

Pohlmann was arrested on 6th February 1958… a day later, Dietrich was born. He is four years younger.

The warrant date for Heinz Pohlmann
Heinz Pohlmann summoned to court for the murder of Rosemarie Nitribitt

Dietrich not only inherited Rosalie’s mother’s nose, jaw, and facial expressions, but he also inherited her past and her character. Her story was his karma. A Krupp son cannot be involved in music and artistry, no… only if there was one little drop of blood inherited from another person. The outcast character, the passion for music in contrast to Krupp’s financial and power ambitions, Dieter inherited them all from his mother.

But we are not going to lie, Harald was truly a hopeless romantic. Just like Dieter…

This was the best side profile of Rosemarie Nitribitt we could find. Regardless, Dieter’s nose is identical to mom’s. Quite a big nose.

Rosemarie Nitribitt — Marielin Bohlen (Dieter’s daughter on far right)

We even tried a fun experiment with the faces of Harald Krupp and Rosemarie Nitribitt. To see how the child would look like if we mixed their faces.

And this was the result. But… we had to make some adjustments to the face by highlighting the most prominent features of Dieter’s face: the “blonde” hair, the jawline, the dimples, cheekbones, and the eyes.

This was the final result after a few adjustments we made in our software. If you still cannot see any similarity, we advise you to schedule an appointment with the ophthalmologist.

The man below on the left is Friedrich Krupp von Bohlen, one of Harald’s sons he had with another wife. On the right, it’s the abandoned “brother” of Dieter, Uwe, a disabled man who worked as a bicycle mechanic. The fake Bohlens don’t even recognize him as part of the family, neither has Dieter ever helped or been seen with the brother. I guess as long as your fake lying son brings you money, your real children can already fuck off. No money no family.

This photo with a small Dieter looks like it was taken during Christmas. There is a man behind him sitting near the Christmas tree, and this dude is similar to Harald. 

Dieter lies that he was born in 1954 because, at the beginning of Modern Talking, he wrote HIMSELF everywhere that he was born in 1958. Then, one day his mind told him “Hey let’s make you 4 years older”… No, really, he just was one step ahead of others. It must not be known at all costs that Dieter is a son of a Nazi billionaire and a prostitute. Jokes on you, Didda…

Source: POPCORN 1985
More proof about Bohlen’s birthday.

But Didda’s lies will soon end one day.

Here, in this English magazine, is written twice: “Dieter R. Bohlen”. In the UK, Bohlen is written and known as: “Dieter R. Bohlen”. 

This was from an interview conducted in 1986 with the English journalists, Modern Talking were performing at the famous British show “Top of the Pops” to promote Brother Louie. This small detail slipped Bohlen’s mind.

Source: unknown (taken from MT forums)

We all know who “R” is: Rosalie. Either the English were smart, or Bohlen was ignorant.

Such a crazy amount of lies that have come out of Bohlen’s mouth, naming one of his books “Nichts als die Wahrheit” is an insult to the truth itself.

And this birth stain, he has tried hard to wash off, but more often than not, that stain is still there.

It seems like Bohlen hated himself for not being able to live his true life. This self-hatred was manifested into violence, manipulative and aggressive behavior. It even explains the abusive behavior of the (adoptive) father Hans Bohlen towards Dieter: He felt pressurized that he had to raise a son of a billionaire and manage a contruction company, which was given by this said billionaire as a gift, and which he did not even have the skills or pedigree for. He maybe doomed the day they gave Dieter to him.

Hans attempted once to take his life in front of his children, this was confessed by Bohlen himself in the book. He even satirized the man’s misery and suicide by saying that the money he had could only give him a train ticket to the nearest bridge. Dieter did not love anybody (except that dark haired boy….), not even the father that raised him. And honestly, no child must be forced to love parents who traumatize and subject them to physical and psychological abuse.

And Dieter is a man who was ashamed to be treated. Just like majority of people who prefer to make people’s lives a misery, and elevate themselves, rather than go to therapy.

It becomes apparent now, why Bohlen also tends to be sexist, controlling, possessive, and violent towards women; his real mother was a prostitute. The woman-hating behavior has been created since birth.

Erika Sauerland, ex-wife, (or if she even was a real wife) was kicked out of the house while she was pregnant. Model Nadja Abd-El Farrag, not only was completely under his control but was also cheated twice on and got her hair pulled out by Bohlen after a physical altercation. Another model, Verona Feldbusch ended up in the hospital after this so-called rich alpha male slapped her head on the table.

By the words of his ex-manager, Gerd Graf Bernadotte, Bohlen also used to frequent brothels and sometimes had mistresses hiding in his basement or the horse stables where he’d have 5 minutes with them, while still being in a relationship with another woman.

In the former USSR countries, stories are told that he used to recruit prostitutes to his hotel rooms. In the meantime, these facts are not known to the German media at all, or even to his close confidants. These were all told by Russians themselves in forums.

At the same time, he also tends to publicly humiliate the promiscuous women.

This isn’t a sexually active man; this is a man with trauma who has sex with women with the ulterior motive of degrading them.

The women who had sex with him must know that the only reason they got to have sex with him, was because he hates their entire existence. Not a big achievement fucking a rich producer with such a trauma, right?

And that Dieter hates women isn’t only explained through his mother. Because he inherited the character of a rebellious outcast from her: music is not a thing for rich billionaires into industrialism, so that contrast was inherited from Rosalie. Because even though it is supposed that Dieter finished university on very high grades, one has to know the difference between gross and net, and this is what Bohlen did not know, as a self claimed successful businessman with a business degree, according to famous German producer Jack White (real name Horst Nussbaum).

But the hate for women, is also explained through his very specific taste in women: Women who look identically to Thomas Anders of the 1980s. This, the guy whose crazy naive fans and media boast and take pride in his so-called absolute heterosexuality.

This is a topic for another time. But Dieter’s life completely changed when Thomas appeared. It seemed like when Dieter was with Thomas, he smiled, laughed and enjoyed himself with all his being. But even then, Dietrich never changed his habits. Because Dietrich has no intention to go in therapy.

So even those whom he considers dear, like Thomas, also fell victim to him. But, ONE of the MANY reasons, why Dieter was so attached (and not just attached……..) to Thomas, was because the boy was very patient and calm towards such a monster. The other women which he dated and who were victims of his aggressiveness, did not tolerate his narcissistic crap.

But Bohlen was surprised with this boy. How could he tranquilize such a monster, with just his calm demeanor?

Other men would’ve punched him in the face or fractured his skull. But Thomas neutralized Bohlen’s violent behavior with just his diplomacy. It would be absolutely naive to say that Dietrich never had romantic and perverted feelings towards Thomas… and we will explain why.

This was only AT the beginning of their acquintance. Because later, Thomas became also another victim of Dieter.

On a different note, it should also explain why Bohlen received such easy fame so quickly. In Germany, even if you are a nepo-baby, you have to prove yourself if you still want to achieve some respectable status in the country.

To achieve such a respectable status, the only step Dietrich of Bern had to take was to take advantage of people. Even the people that he had close and loved.

This is what happens when a man doesn’t go to therapy and starts ruining others’ lives due to his misery.


  1. Dieter is like a sort of… so-called “Yandere(a person who is overly attached and possessive to their own love)” in Japanese mangas towards Thomas. Such people get aggressive and project their loss when they feel not being loved.

    1. Yes, and Dieter jumps from one woman to another when he finds them “not Thomas enough”. But nowadays with his last girlfriend (Carina) its different. He takes really good care of her. When Estefania or Erika were pregnant Dieter did not really care… but with Carina he seems too caring and private. It’s probably because Carina is raising someone else’s children… Take a guess who…

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