In this saga of “Modern Talking”, you will realize that all the protagonists lie about something. All the protagonists have different life stories, different traumas, and different pain.

Not a few were the people who noticed that Thomas Anders looked like a prince with the clothes, look, voice, and behavior in the 1980s. That’s because he is, in fact, a real prince. And everyone around him knew. That also includes Dieter.

And Thomas, just like Dieter, also lies about so many things. But his life story is completely different.

According to the official data, he was born on 1st March 1963, in a German town called Münstermaifeld, located in Rhineland Palatinate. This name is an artistic alias, that was chosen on purpose. His full and real first name is Bernhardt, with fake surname Weidung.

“Bernie”, this boy with unusual genes and alluring personality was very popular in his town. He was popular everywhere, with the girls, in the neighborhood, at school. Because they noticed how special he was. The energy and impressions he gave off were strange, in a good way.

And nothing screams “special” when you take a look at the family full of blue-eyed blondes, called “Weidung”.

Achim Weidung (Thomas’ “brother)
Tanja-Katrin & Achim Weidung (private photo)

Thomas’ “parents”, Helga was a housewife, who worked in a tourist cafe near the old castle of Burg Eltz. While Peter worked in his beginnings in the town’s tax office, before being promoted as the Mayor. The same career also followed the eldest sibling of the family, Achim, Thomas’ “brother”.

Genetics and biology are complicated subjects. And Thomas’ real roots have always been a subject of debate among people who were interested in him. Some who are not used to hearing a different truth they’ll not be used to, will say “It’s just genetics”. But regardless of that, they always speculated about his roots. Some say it’s not normal for a German to look this dark, even though this is very common especially in southern part of Germany. It is indeed an ugly stereotype to attribute Germans with blue eyes and blonde hair, because this stereotype existed thanks to Adolf Hitler’s ideologies. But we won’t talk about that.

The objective truth is, this average German-looking family, “Weidung” can never give birth to a man who looks like he came out of a Persian fairytale. Of course, we always talk about dominant and recessive genes when discussing the inherited traits, but this cannot be attributed to the case at hand. Genes aside, Thomas absolutely looks nothing like his parents, and the siblings also do not look like him.

And poor Thomas, cannot come up with a better excuse, or lie, in his book, about his extremely “Mediterranean looks”, other than: “Koblenz was a French-occupied zone, so, so, so, that’s why”.

How good and pleasant was Thomas’ childhood? Probably not as good as he always claimed.

But now we need to talk about the “Weidung” surname to understand the role they had in Bernd’s life. This surname has an interesting etymology, with its root-word in old dialectic German being “weide”, which means pasture, willow tree, soil or somebody who lives by the soil. Even though there exist surname variants of “Weidel, Weide” etc. Weidung itself doesn’t exist.

In the book of Alfred Heintze, “Die Deutsche Familiennamen”, which was published in 1903, the Weidung surname did not figure out anywhere in his linguistical analysis of the German surnames. This proves quite clearly that the “Weidung” surname is a recently fabricated surname given especially to these individuals, Peter and Helga Weidung, the supposed parents of Thomas Anders.

Helga & Peter Weidung at the front row

Since this surname was basically inexistent already before the WWII, it shows that this was created especially for Helga and Peter who were tasked with the job of taking care of somebody. The Weidungs, as we know, were located near the Rhine Valley, one of the most fertile soils in Germany.

So what does a fertile soil have to do with this? The Proto-Germanic suffix -ung, which means ‘completed action’, is rarely used for German surnames, if not at all, but rather for creation of nouns out of verbs. (EXAMPLE: Lösen – to solve / Lösung – Solution). However, in this case it was used for a surname. Linguistically, it means we might probably have to do with a fictional noun, used as a surname that implies “preservation, protection, maintenance, conservation”.

In other words… this means that Helga and Peter were the shepherds who took care of Thomas.

And you will understand little by little its deep meaning…….

Helga Weidung, the fake mother who talked as if she never gave birth to a child, once boasted about how her angelic creature was born with 1 cm black hair, so to say Thomas was always dark. —  but there exists a photo of baby Thomas with blonde hair that was erased from the face of the earth.

His hair just became darker when he grew up.

But even that cannot be proven entirely, as it can be that he had fair hair but the sunrays makes the hair color look brighter.

Source: YouTube (FanTomas)

And in this photo album of “baby Thomas”, perhaps the only real Thomas here is the angry-looking boy at the church bottom left, whose picture has been blatantly mirrored. Small tip: the black birthmark.

Source: 100% Anders

Speculating about Thomas’ roots was an easy task. Say he was Jewish, Arabic, Italian, or Persian. But that would not decide his real past. Instead, you have to dive deep into the past and see if you get lucky.

Thomas’ childhood, per his words, was characterized also by a strict father, but apparently not so abusive. The eldest brother was a real fun: he almost drowned a young Thomas in the pool, even though he did not know how to swim. A Fish who cannot swim, is quite rare.

The teachers always described Thomas as a quiet and shy boy who cared about animals. He would beat up other boys if they molested cats on the street.

In 1986, when Thomas was refused many times the opportunity of having a solo single, the preparations for “We Still Have Dreams” were ready. Even the place of shooting too: Regensburg Castle, the castle of Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis.

Source: BRAVO
Source: BRAVO

Princess Gloria… the pretty, scandalous, controversial punk princess of the Thurn und Taxis nobility with extraordinary wealth in Bavaria – heir of the ancient Schönburg-Glauchau imperial family with Czech-Hungarian roots – and Thomas’ real sister.

Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis
Gloria von Thurn und Taxis / Photo: Picture Alliance

This is the photograph where you can fully be convinced of the striking similarities between princess Gloria and Thomas. You can see everything in her face. She looked pretty, young and innocent… like Bernd used to.

Photo by Horst Ossinger/picture alliance via Getty Images)

You would have to be completely blind not to see a glimpse of Thomas in her eyes, smile, teeth, and facial expressions.

It is indescribable how blatant the similarity is. Just like how a real brother-sister genetic has to be.

FUN FACT: Gloria and her siblings also have blood relations with the Russian emperor, Tsar Nikolai Romanov, and his sister.

Little Bernie has distant blood relations with the Romanov family.

Can YOU believe it?

And who would have expected that Thomas is the brother of a conspiracy theorist, pro-Kremlin, and AfD advocate? Johannes (Gloria’s husband), an anti-Nazi, must be rolling on his grave when he sees what his wife is doing.

The Ancestry line of Schönburg-Glauchau and Széchényi

The imperial family of Schönburg was never a pro-Nazi family per se, since their properties in Eastern Germany were taken away by the Nazis, and had to wait 40 years to take them back due to new legislation. Big coincidence though, in the 1970s they settled in Meckenheim, a town 40 minutes away from Koblenz after a 5 years “escape” to Africa under the justification of “opening a radio station”.

The Prince of Schönburg-Glauchau, Joachim, was a journalist, quite fond of nature, animals. A Naturschutz. His marriage with Countess Beatrix Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsővidék in 1957, led to the birth of 4 children: Maria, Gloria, Bernhardt, and Alexander.

Joachim Graf von Schönburg-Glauchau & Beatrix Széchenyi de Sárvár-Felsővidék (1957)

These are the real parents of Thomas: Prince Joachim, and Countess Beatrix, the great-granddaughter of one of the most influential Hungarians ever, Istvan Szechenyi.

Source: ZDF

This family photo around the 1970s shows a boy in the blue jersey, who is definitely not Thomas, but rather the child of the Weidungs, whom they swapped in the mid-1960s. We’ll talk much later about this boy named “Carl Alban”.

Source: ZDF

About this one: We are not entirely sure who is the blonde boy in this photograph likely taken in 1969. Looks like a 3-year-old boy. It is hard to tell when you have a baby blonde Thomas photograph and the adopted blonde Weidung with the blue jersey. The newborn baby is apparently, Alexander.

Joachim & Beatrix | 1971 – Photo: Getty Images

His Highness Prince Bernhardt, who liked to sunbathe a lot, inherited so much melanin from his father, Joachim, and not only: His journalism passion, love for nature, almost all his genetics, his extremely good looks, as well as the black birthmark on the left cheek. They are almost copies of each other.

Just.. try to imagine Thomas with a mustache, and you’ll get it.


And of course, the cherry on the cake, the black birthmark on the left eye. So apparent. And obviously, Bernie doesn’t 100% look like his father. In his young age, he looked a lot like his mother, countess Beatrix. And not only…

But first, you have to see the recent pictures of Thomas’ relatives:

Gloria, his sister, a businesswoman and entrepreneur

Christoph, his cousin, sound designer and Oscar award winner

Maria, his eldest sister (unfortunately passed away in 2019)

Alexander, his brother, journalist, author and writer.

Gloria’s children | Maria Theresia, Albert and Elizabeth
The three siblings | Picture Alliance

It’s not so difficult to accept the reality now, is it?

We wrote “…and not only”, and now you will see what we mean.

Princess Maria Pavlovna Galitzine (Golitsyna)

This extremely gorgeous woman is princess Maria Pavlovna Galitzine, from the great Golitsyn noble family with Russian-Lithuanian roots, Beatrix’s mother and Thomas’ maternal grandmother. She might probably be half the reason of Thomas’ looks.

Just.. look at this photograph really carefully.

There is nothing more to explain. At all. Nothing. Sometimes you do not need words to describe something.

Now, you come to the realization of why Nora dressed Thomas in “feminine clothes”. Some of them were women’s clothing, but some others were princely clothes. That’s because: Thomas is a real prince and heir to a very ancient noble family.

Do you think the outfit he wore for the Cheri Cheri Lady Music Video is a woman’s fashion or a prince’s clothing? In truth, Thomas always looked like a prince, and WAS described as a prince. Everyone was raving about his princely looks. It might sound funny saying that everybody who liked and adored him, had a collective gut-feeling with him.

In addition, Russians, Hungarians, and pretty much the whole of Eastern Europe loved and still love him a lot: they felt this special familiarity with him.

Below you’ll see more photographs of his ancestors and family:

Joachim von Schönburg-Glauchau - Wikidata

Prince Carl von Schoenburg Glauchau & Princess Maria Anna Baworowska
Countess Beatrix & Princess Gloria (1980s) | Picture Alliance
Prince Joachim von Schoenburg (1990s) | United Archives

Now let’s talk about the little boy in the blue jersey called Carl Alban. This grown man with the beard is known as one of the princes of this imperial family, who took over the succession rights in 1996.

But actually, he is the child that was swapped with Thomas in 1965-1966. This “Carl-Alban”, is of course the real Weidung here.

Observe carefully.

Carl Alban von Schönburg-Glauchau and his family. | Getty Images

This blue-eyed blonde with a beard is the son of Helga, Thomas’ supposed mother.

If the shoe fits, it fits.

That’s because when Carl Alban (right) was a young boy, he looked like a complete copy of Helga Weidung.

Picture Alliance
Helga (left)

Take a look at this example below.

The amount of forgery and manipulation in photographs, as well as information, is shocking. One might be fooled that the boy standing in the porch is a young Bernie.

Then you see the knees of these two boys here and you’re immediately thinking how incredibly bent and weak their knees are. In such cases, you always need the help of those who studied biology and medicine, to point out things they can obviously see without having “to prove it”.

These knees you see here, are what we’d like to call the “Weidung knees”, also known as, hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets, a disease that of course, Thomas does not have at all.

And this man, Carl Alban, has rickets. That’s clear from his posture in these photographs.

In short, the boy on the porch is not Thomas, but a Weidung boy. And it’s absolutely incredible that Thomas put SUCH a photograph in his book, saying that it’s him, but rather a photograph with a boy that’s not him at all.

This was, is, and will always be by far, the most obvious case of child adoption (let’s say among famous people) we would ever encounter. Even Dieter’s adoptive mother, Edith, looked a tad more similar to him.

Another mystery that is quite bugging is Thomas’ real age and birthdate. From the old photographs from the 1980s, he certainly does not look like a boy in his late teens, but more like his early teens.

Even though people looked older back then, it’s clear that Thomas back then still looked like a kid.

That can be seen from his oldest performances with HANSA in 1979 and at Michael Schanze’s show in 1981.


And more photographs like this where a very young Thomas is shown as an adult, but with the behavior and the innocence of a child, still.

That cannot be a grown man in his 20s despite the black-and-white effects in this photograph. We give it at least 16 years old.

Source: Unknown

This isn’t an 18-year-old legally adult boy, but rather a 14-year-old boy in his puberty. And that’s quite clear.

It can already be suggested that Thomas’ childhood was anything but pleasant, and the father he was talking about as his big role model decades ago, was not Peter, but Joachim.

After soaking up all of this information, there are more questions than answers: Why did this imperial family give away such a boy like Thomas to an ordinary family, if he was truly the heir? These are the reasons and the practices that only royals themselves know. The Windsors aren’t the only family with “drama”…

And the Weidung family, with such a fictitious surname, was rewarded for planting the golden seed in the soil. Housewife Helga, miraculously received a cafe inside the Burg-Eltz castle, while Peter was promoted as town mayor and financier in the tax office.

What IS actually true: is that Thomas was sold not only to the evil, wealthy family of Balling since he was a young boy, but also to the music industry. What happened to him is impossible to describe it in one word.

But this is a topic for another time.

Because at long last, we’ve finally learned the roots of this mysterious boy.


  1. so Thomas was/is aware of his roots yet will not speak publicly about it. i recall one interview in english where he laughingly said he was the black sheep of his family, that no one else was musically oriented. I find it very odd that he was traded and then sold…am so interested in knowing why…but i don’t think we will ever know?
    what started you on this journey?

    1. The black sheep of the family was always meant that he doesn’t belong in that family, social circle nor in the town he supposedly was born. But Thomas explained that it was about being a “singer”. We don’t think so, of course.

      These things with trading and selling are nothing new among royal families. They can do it if they want. Just look at what happens with the Windsors and the British royal family. There will always exist rumors that Prince Harry is the child of Lady Diana’s taxi driver. And the Windsor family have German roots, as we know.
      And Thomas’ real family is as well no exception of the rule.

      If they feel they have to give away a child, their most precious too, they can do it. These families are obsessed with superstitions. So… no wonder that us peasants don’t like them, hahaha.

    1. Hello Kamil.
      We already explained everything in the text. Of course we cannot say that we dug deep in the grave of prince Joachim to find DNA samples, but as investigators, we only present ideas, theories and arguments. Not accusations or such things.

      There are many suspicious things: The escapee of the family to Africa and then settling down near Thomas’ town, the fact that Joachim’s daughter princess Gloria wanted to “help” Thomas to shoot a video-clip, the fact that Gloria herself hung out and dined a lot with Thomas’ current Schlagerpartner, Florian Silbereisen, the fact that this guy, Carl-Alban, born in 1966, looks nothing like his siblings or his parents but more like the son of Helga Weidung, etc etc.

      We promise you that the first time reading our website is very difficult to understand things. It’s perfectly understandable. Then when you re-read everything, everything becomes much clearer. It’s difficult at first. If you’re patient and invested in the truth you will begin to understand little by little.

    1. It is already explained in other articles. See what happens with Prince Harry, they speculate that he is the son of the taxi driver. But for Thomas things are different. DNA test would be a proof for us people. Otherwise his family knows him. 🙂

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