Metaphorically speaking, nobody has died and been resurrected on this planet more than Thomas Anders. Those who cannot endure such fate want to die. But the prince of Schönburg can’t die, even if he wanted. 

His attempts have all resulted unsuccessful. Car accidents, faintings, anti-depressants, alcohol, severe food-eating, suicide. The desperate attempts of a broken man and a broken soul who hides from the world that left him alone and pretends everything is fine.

Bernie, this masculine version of Marilyn Monroe never wanted the world to pity him, he wanted the world to leave him alone. But they won’t leave him alone, until somebody does something.

Source: Quick

Contrary to what he often claimed, Thomas never had a pleasant childhood. This boy who liked to dress with Hungarian hussar costumes for carnivals, wasn’t the black sheep of the (adoptive) family because he wanted to sing, he was the black sheep because he felt like an alien. He missed his real home, his real family, but he didn’t know what fate he’d face.

This quiet, shy boy who cried about dead kittens killed on the streets, spent his entire childhood hiding from the people he was surrounded by, and he keeps doing so even now. But now, he hides the truth that for him it’s not a burden at all, but a reality that he had to accept and live with everyday.

It’s hard to say what caused the family of Schönburg to make the decision of sending him away. It’s hard to describe his childhood in general, but what we can do, is describe all of the information that we know and shed light in the middle of darkness.

So it cannot happen again, so people know what they have said and done to this broken young boy.

The singing career became a blessing in disguise for Thomas. Contrary to his statements, he never wanted to become singer, but a journalist, like his real father, Joachim. But this music career, is what has kept him alive against all hate, sexual abuse, raping, illnesses, etc.

He didn’t experience real love, instead, he tries to experience a different kind of love: love from people who always enjoyed him singing.

His wife, Nora would say in an interview in 1987 for BRAVO: “My husband was raised in a very sheltered environment where they took everything away from him”.

This hypocritical statement, coming from the woman whose rich family also took everything from him.

BRAVO 1987

But Thomas doesn’t just hide the truth from the world, he also hides himself… from him.

At some point, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with his real self. In the autobiography he released in 2011, he claimed that he never liked science subjects and the school in general, because his mind was only focused on singing. He claimed to be rebellious, arrogant to teachers, ignoring lessons and school.

While in many old magazines from 1980s, he is always described by the interviewed teachers as the quiet boy who never causes trouble, a boy who always learns and who excells in nature and physics subjects, as described by this BRAVO report here. DAUERREDNER

This nature-loving character and the passion for journalism, Thomas inherited them from Joachim.

Source: BRAVO

Thomas always, always wanted to become a journalist and follow the passion of his father, and was never a rebellious kid and a rebellious singer who wanted to show everyone how famous he was.

It’s a man with trauma who tries to create a new identity in order to escape.

“Back then Anders almost became a reporter himself. After the abitur he studied journalism, German languages and musicology, wanted to become a journalist.” – GALA magazine 1995.

Thomas wants to erase from history his real identity, his real past, his real dreams that shaped the real him. The false stories he wrote in the book, the statements he made all his life, are a testament to his constant (metaphorical) death.

With every lie that Thomas tells about himself, every time a piece of the real him dies. Not only does his brain want to die due the fate he had to face, it also wants to take with him his past, his true self.

Joachim & Alexander von Schönburg | Both journalists

His body that was trembling for the first time he stepped on the stage to sing knew what was going on: He didn’t want to be there. He was pushed to be there. He was sold.

You can’t say for sure what was going on his mind, since he never asked anyone to pity him. But the constant sexual abuse he experienced first hand from the Balling family who treated him as sex and breeding object, are what caused the faintings and the anxiety in the first place.

Soon enough the faintings and the stage anxiety became normal for him, and that, at such a young age still.. But he expertly tried to hide it. 

Source: BRAVO 1980 | “Thomas, the surprise of the evening, was trembling on stage”

Online, a Russian anthropologist claimed that Thomas had “anxiety” that was passed as “shyness”, even earlier: in 1979 in the HANSA performance competition. The gentleman (or the lady) even says that the reason why Thomas was always covered with make-up and tanning was because he was always red from shyness. 

But the Russian doesn’t know that the tanning and the make-up, that was initially used to make Thomas look like a Persian prince, only helped cover his ill, reddish face. Overall, such info was incredibly vital. So, spasibo.


But Thomas’ faintings and suffering would never be taken seriously, or if people knew about it, due to Dieter Bohlen, this betraying son of a prostitute, who later made a shitty, pathetic cartoon that showed Nora, the drama queen, fainting instead.

This is the man whose fans call him the boss, honest, straightforward… This ugly coward, lying reptile who would sell even his children for a “Nummer Eins”, and that with a music made by others, not him.

The moment when Nora “faints” (Dieter Der Film)

Bohlen always found strategies of manipulating the media at any time especially through documentaries. Like this one:


RTL and BILD always have tried to portray Dieter as an innocent victim focused on the work, while Thomas the bad person who was lazy and focused on the wife.

This smart video cutting has always been used in “MT documentaries”. This BRAVO headline, “Nora destroys Modern Talking”, was used constantly as a “proof” by the German TV channels that Nora was the disruptor. But…

But what was really written under this headline, were 80% hate comments aimed at Thomas, from women, after a journalist called Thomas on BILD: “Sun-tanned singing faggot”. (höhensonnengegerbte Sangesschwuchtel)

This type of RTL documentaries that even Joseph Goebbels would be jealous of: You can even say, that the German media and the Germans participated themselves in Thomas’ suffering. Such people will only get KARMA, nothing more.


Let’s translate the comments of these rags:

“I find it a little unfair that they call Thomas a faggot without a reason, but it’s also his fault a bit because he has long hair. Up to the shoulders it was okay” – Michaela

– “That he has long hair and lets it grow so much and goes to solarium is his fault if he gets called a faggot” – Nicole.

– “A man who calls himself the most handsome in the world, is in feet of his wife, wears a necklace and walks like a homosexual, is not a man but a lapdog” – Tanja

– “Does this singing faggot live in the moon? Or the tanning beds charred his brain? Still the dude and his Nora definitely noticed what kind of image they created. – Stefanie

“We think that if Thomas Anders behaves like a faggot on stage he has to deal with such attacks. He shouldn’t think himself as the greatest when Dieter does everything. If Thomas wants to go alone with Nora then he should start compose alone. It would be great if Bohlen formed a duo with Chris Norman” – Eike.

I assume that 40 years later nothing has changed with these women.

“Our best pop-group destroyed”. The headline of a Bild am Sonntag newspaper issue from 1985, which now has been used decades later by RTL in its documentaries to prove that Nora was the disruptor. What was truly written in the newspaper, was that Thomas was lying on the bed really sick after a fainting incident in that gay club in London.

In another article, we’ve already written that it was not just a simple fainting incident. Thomas later on ended up in the hospital lost a lot of weight and was told to rest for two weeks. It is absolutely unlikely that this admission to the hospital, two weeks rest, and 4 kg weight loss, came as a result of a fainting incident or a nervous breakdown. There exists a grieving feeling that he was brutally raped by several men there at the gay club until he ended up unconscious.

This is the only plausible and most likely explanation. And Dieter, the betrayer, of course stood there, said and did nothing.

However, it matters to the media, that the headline produces a different kind of context. Who cares if Thomas is near death? Or waking up in the middle of the night to cry in front of the mirror? It matters more that Nora is (allegedly) destroying “the best pop group”

They know the truth about Thomas but they’ve attempted to hide it. Let’s say, they know the truth, but they do not want to say it. Instead, these media, both foreign and national, have already warned about Thomas’ drug and alcoholic addictions, fainting incidents, near-death accidents, etc. for years.

In 1988, they already said that Thomas had already died in an accident or from a drug overdose.

It is true, though, that the media always attempted to get headlines out of him. Anything written about him at the time would instantly generate headlines. So yes, just like the gay rumors, these near-death experiences can also be hoaxes.

But the truth is, these gay rumors and the near-death experiences go hand in hand: What is this man suffering that is costing him almost his life, which is related to these gay rumors? Only one answer: Sexual abuse.

And this was almost proven, too. In 1986, Thomas said that he was infected with hepatitis. But back then, everyone treated hepatitis as the disease of dirty syringes, contaminated food, and unprotected (heterosexual) sex. The actual case of hepatitis also involving homosexual sex with males was mostly overshadowed by the surge of HIV/AIDS, which an entire mediatic chain of companies managed to convince the globe that it came from homosexual people.

When in reality, heterosexuals were just as affected.

BRAVO – June 85

Frederik Gabowicz, the photographer, Inge Czygan the chief editor, the media, and everyone in Thomas’ circle, know and knew what happened to Thomas. But for them, GELD was always sweeter.

Dieter also knew what was happening with Thomas, but “Nummer Eins” and freies Geld were more important to him. This evil bastard licked the ground Nora stepped on behind the scenes, then ran to every journalist to scream how bad she was to make her look stupid. It’s absolutely unclear what would force him, this half-blooded billionaire, and half-blooded peasant, to be so cold against the suffering of the one he always loved.

And the fact that he has always and still insults Thomas publicly, should show you more what a disgusting person he is.

Below, you’ll see these photographs which will show you how red Thomas looked, even with tanning. You may not notice anything at first, but with a little more observation, you can see the redness from the sickness and the illnesses which is mixed with the tanning, that makes his face extremely, extremely brown.

Formel Eins

Not only that, he also seemed sometimes drunk and spaced out. Like in this video where he makes weird glances and head movements.

This photo was taken on 7th February 1986. They are celebrating Dieter’s birthday. Nora’s gaze is quite piercing and suggestive. And Thomas here again looks quite red. You do not have to look at the “brown face” itself. You have to look at the red cheeks and forehead.

Photo: Fryderik Gabovich

Another photo where Thomas looks extremely, extremely red. And it’s not from the tan, but from sickness. One might also argue that it probably comes from the make-up. But, turns out Nora does not look as red.

In the meantime, this is what real tanning under normal conditions looks like.

The solarium wasn’t to cover tracks, but it was a huge help in covering Thomas’ sickness.

This photo below which was taken by a fan in Cesme, in 1987, shows Thomas carrying Nora’s towels and clothes. This is slavery, non-consensual BDSM that Thomas cannot escape but is destined to face. This is the posture of a broken, abused man since god knows when.

This is the kind of suffering that made German people laugh, by the way. It must be really funny that a young boy is abused by old women.

Photo Source: Thomas Berkholz (Facebook)

This video from 1991 showcases how hard Thomas tries to keep his composure on the brink of collapsing. It shows that he was always ill and continues to be ill. The behavior tells you a lot about his drug addiction, about the anti-depressants he took that kept him away from crying in front of the mirror.


While Thomas was on the brink of death, he lost the court case against the journalist who called him a faggot, because, as per the dishonored German jurors, it’s called free speech.

This country shall never see one bright, sunny day in their lives.

BRAVO with the question: “Is Thomas a singing faggot?”

Thomas didn’t just face insults and hate while fighting to stay alive, a music band called Die Goldenen Zitronen, (also known as, The Hurensohne) made a song where they wished him death and prepared his grave with his photo on it.

Germany did not have a problem with feminine and homosexual American/British singers. Their problem was only Thomas.

Bild am sonntag

And this hatred towards their compatriot “for looking like a faggot”, and admiration for the gayest singers in America or UK can easily be explained: At the time, Germans were rather used to meeting or facing people who were extremely ugly. So being beautiful there, was probably not accepted.

However, this hatred is simply psychological. Humans are attracted to uniqueness, mystery, and things they cannot have. Hence, this hatred came as a result of him creating a spark that displayed the people’s hidden perversion in plain sight. The women were jealous that a man was more otherworldly than them and were angry they couldn’t have him, while the men were furious that he made them question their sexuality, or that all the girls they wanted to date were unattainable because they only wanted Thomas.

Dieter, the self-claimed macho man was also one of these men who had his sexuality changed 180 degrees overnight.

Believe it or not, this photograph wasn’t taken from a mental hospital. But after a concert. And Nora looks like a woman entering her 40s. She would sometimes accompany him to concerts or local fan meetings.

The sadist Dieter didn’t get enough of humiliating Thomas behind his back too. He not only would constantly spread rumors that he slept with Elton John in Moscow, but also destroyed his solo career with his strong connections who blocked all of his albums from being promoted. At long last, in 1991, he finally got what he deserved: a punch in the eye from Thomas.

“Black eye from the ex-partner”

“They never speak with me, they take pictures of me and then write that I am about to jump off a bridge […] what the hell have I done to them?”

But he always was ready to jump off a bridge. However, Nora made sure to get him to spirituality, so he would not die. Such a diamond cannot die. 

And Thomas never talks about such a past, even back then when he denied the rumors that he collapsed in a music studio while recording an album.

BILD 1994: Thomas Anders collapsed – he wants to force the success.

Thomas wasn’t only taking drugs, antidepressants, and serotonin to cure his depression and insomnia, but subsequently lost his voice temporarily due to an inflammation of his vocal cords, which wasn’t just a rumor. The vocal range in his voice started to disappear slowly.

But Dieter’s hatred towards Thomas doesn’t come from competition: but from rejection. Only a man hurt by true love hurts this much.

In 1988, rumors spread like wildfire that Thomas had died in a car accident, and Thomas just returned to Germany to “deny” the fake rumors. But, the rumors weren’t fake.

He didn’t die from a car accident, but his soul died. It was set free from all that suffering. And Dieter pays homage to the death of his soul in the video clip and song: UNDER MY SKIN – Blue System.

The scandalous video clip that depicts themes of BDSM, torture, and death, was banned from being aired on national channel ZDF. The music video was so disturbing that a lot of scenes had to be cut. According to BRAVO, it was Bohlen himself who came up with such a video-clip and thought of all the details. In a society as gullible as ours, Bohlen can express himself by drawing severe attention only to himself, without sounding suspicious at all.

Action Press 1988

The videoclip shows an innocent angel that wanders in a dungeon where the puppets find her and bring her to the female domes to torture her. The dogs are barking, the puppets steal her heart (virginity) and a man steals a fish (Jesus, or the zodiac sign of Pisces) that can’t breathe. Then Dieter enters the scene, destroys everything, and frees the angel from torture. In the video, the angel isn’t saved but freed from torture. Which means being put out of misery: death.

The video ends with the angel being disappointed and walking away in the fog, as Dieter hangs his head in guilt. 


The angel reference wasn’t accidental: it’s what everyone referred Thomas to: ANGEL. Also in the Modern Talking lyrics. And this angel who wandered didn’t wander by itself, but someone pushed it there. And this angelic character of Thomas also disappeared all of a sudden.

It’s even worse that Dieter knows what has happened to Thomas and still tries to humiliate him at every opportunity. This hatred, this humiliation only comes from rejection. It eats Didda from inside that he is in love with a man he will never have.

When the “angel died”, the old image of Thomas, the long hair, the image of a Persian prince with tanned and oily skin, and black eyeliner, the character of an innocent and angelic boy, also died. In 1988-1989, for the first time, he appeared with a ponytail, grew a beard, changed his teeth completely, changed clothing, became more masculine, and chose the image of a macho. What never changed were only his black birthmark on the left eye, the humped nose, and especially his bewitching and hypnotic dark eyes.

However, in “the brown eyes of Thomas” (like Dieter himself would say), in which the white under the iris can easily be seen, people never saw a sad human who needed a hug: Rather a desirable punching bag.

But with time, Thomas also began to change physically. He and his jaw became fatter. All the accumulated stress, the abuse, and the psychological and mental well-being weakened his powers to fight back. And with that, he began to be ugly. Ugly not in the sense of lacking sex appeal, but ugly as in unhealthy.

And with that, Thomas quickly switched from drugs to alcohol, again, to cure his insomnia, then switched to excessive eating and cooking to destroy himself. 

But alcohol addiction wasn’t just created from nowhere. Perhaps, Dieter was the initiator. In this Lithuanian article from 1998, it says that Thomas and Dieter stayed up until 5 am drinking alcohol after a concert in Vilnius. For these two so-called business partners wouldn’t be the first time to drink so much alcohol.

Source: Unknown

This Ukrainian article from July 1999, says that Dieter and Thomas ordered 35 bottles of wine in their suits prior to one concert. While they slept in luxurious suites, the others slept in normal rooms. The journalists found the bottles of alcohol ALL empty.

Much later, the band went to a restaurant to drink Ukrainian vodka, much stronger than the Russian one, and gave a concert without any rehearsal. The writer of this particular piece is even surprised by how perfect Thomas sounds live, despite no rehearsing or drinking liters of alcohol.

It is strange to see Bohlen having an alcohol addiction. Though drinking is very common, excessive drinking is not. Slowly, as the years went by, Thomas began having “bugs” under the eyes which is caused by none other than alcohol addiction. And if you thought that this was just him drinking like a friend with Dieter, you were wrong. His alcohol addiction has not stopped yet.

Already in May 1998, he already had bags under his eyes. Looks like sleepless nights due to “work” or “tour”, or signs of alcoholism. But it cannot be “work” and “tour”, because Dieter looks already okay. And it makes them share the same amount of work.




Sandra also suffered from an alcoholic addiction and battled the disease with cancer, but she recovered well. Thomas did not… and it continues to this day with his brand of alcohol that he’s created and the so-called passion for cooking. These are the inner desires of making yourself look ugly.

And nobody will abuse you anymore. Peace will come when snakes will leave him alone. When Germany and Germans recognize what they have done to him. What those people around him have done to him.

Otherwise, they are and will all be responsible for his suffering. Everyone contributed to his suffering by laughing at him, insulting him, and mocking him. Let’s not talk about the abuse… they’ll all pay a heavy price.


  1. Is TA aware of this incredible in depth information you have revealed to the world? This is very strong and terrifying …I only discovered MT 3 weeks ago.

    1. Hi Susy.
      He isn’t aware of our investigation, though when he will be, I’m sure he will notice that people will soon be opening their eyes to his terrible life. We’re sure our investigation will become public, at some point. We have published over 10 articles exposing everything. We’re sorry you’re discovering Modern Talking like this, but every band in history has a dark past.

      This band has a very loyal and fanatic fan-base. They won’t believe everything it says here because they’re used to a different truth.

      Still, don’t let this dark past ruin your perceptions about this band. “MT” were a great group that introduced a revolutionary sound for the 1980s. Their songs are amazing, without a doubt.

  2. Thank you for your response. Music is my passion and dissecting each groups’ beginnings…duration, etc., is always an incredible journey. Howevwe, this is dark. For TA. I recall the Taxis family being in the news in the 70’s and 80’ was strange to see them limked here. Understand nothing surprises me, but my heart does ache for such a boy to have had this rather industrial sexual experiences, but to see him with big old cozy weird Nora supposedly having loving hot fun…then you re-watch the interviews, see her dominance, his powerlessness and you cringe. DB is a wow factor…But back to the music which we all belive is the truth, it is haunting, heart-ache inducing…and i stepped in to look as my older sister was intothis type of music and i had never heard of them-that was 3 months ago and i am deeply down into this music to the point i cannot erase it from my head and crave to see and hear them constantly. My gut feel is that this will grow and blow up to be a huge documentary. p.s. I had what we call the “douche chills” when I first saw pics of the new wife, Claudia…nothing felt warm or real. Now, 3 months later after investigating this group I find you. I thank you again.

    1. You’re very kind, thank you. 🙂
      It’s been well-researched and investigated for over a year and unfortunately, it’s not the narrative that everyone knows. Because it’s been almost 40 years since then and a different truth has always been shown. You might’ve already noticed by now. That’s why is hard for people to get used to another truth. Still, we’re not giving up and want to destroy such narrative. We plan to open a website in German language so it reaches German readers and on releasing more and more things, because our investigation isn’t stopping. Our goal is not only to reveal this truth, but also save TA from the cage he’s in. (hopefully). This investigation can have a world-wide impact, let alone nation-wide.

      Still, I agree with you that they should have seen the signs back then. Nora being controlling has everything to do with the fact that she was the domme in the relationship and was evidently very old. It’s why Thomas couldn’t do anything without her. Claudia is also.. not a good woman, she is more dangerous because she displays the typical behavior of a psychopath. The investigation as a whole impacts so many people, that’s why we have taken such huge, huge risks. As for Dieter… he is the only one who can reveal the truth because he loves Thomas, but he doesn’t want to because he has a reputation to save since he’s also involved in such dirty work.

  3. I absolutely love modern talking, always have and still do. I can only say how shocked and sad at the way Thomas had been treated, no one deserves that. His music is great and I love the way he dresses and looks, especially his long hair. My heart goes out to this man and all that he’s suffered. I hope he will find peace and happiness, he deserves it. He is a brilliant entertainer. May God be with you

    1. Strong psyche. But in the 1980s he was not that strong. That’s why he constantly fainted and often became seriously ill. Who knows how many times he was near death… It was also thanks to Nora who taught and introduced him to “esotericism” (Adolf Hitler practiced the same). Basically always thinking about the positive. It became better later, but the effects destroyed him physically. Became fat, got addicted to alcohol etc. All his prominent features (cheekbones, dimples, jawline, prominent chin) disappeared thanks to the fat. See what happened with poor Brendan Fraser…

  4. Thank you very much for your effort. I’ve read all your articles and deeply appreciate your work. I think it could be interesting for you to write one about Sandra Lauer Cretu as well (the context can be comparing her and Thomas’ fate). There was a man, Kemmler, who wrote most of her songs and did the backing vocals during the 1985-1989 period (being sort of a “Rolf Kohler” of the entire Sandra project) – an extremely creepy bloke with a serial killer’s gaze who sung very explicit songs revolving around necrophilia and sexual sadism, sometimes even both. Even Sandra’s Maria Magdalena and In The Heat Of The Night seem to be about an abusive, controlling relationship. I believe that Bohlen partly took inspiration for his lyrics from Kemmler’s (Under My Skin, Locomotion Tango etc). This is very… disturbing since we know that Sandra used to struggle from alcohol addiction and eventually became a close friend of Thomas, also a deeply traumatized man.

    1. You’re welcome, and thank you for your feedback. The story about Sandra and the songwriter Hubert Kemmler is new to us. We know that Sandra and Thomas knew each other from the 1980s, and she had separated from her husband Michael Cretu in the 2000s and suffered from alcoholic addiction. I am not sure if it is linked to the songs, since they are in different timelines, but we’d like to know more about Kemmler. He made new songs with Sandra in 2012 too. But the fact that he made songs about sadism and necrophilia has not been heard of. Do you have any article or any sort of analysis? We’re very curious! Thanks!

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