This likable wife of Thomas Anders, named Claudia Hess has accompanied him in his life for more than 25 years. This likable wife whom everyone likes because she is not as crazy as Thomas’ previous wife, Eleanor Balling, has given Thomas a son, Alexander-Mick, and has proven herself to be a loyal, respectable wife.

But she is also not like the other girls, and nor like Nora. She is so sweet and likable, her voice is so tender, that you can never doubt that she is a psychopath that can fool the most skilled psychoanalyst. You can never interrogate her.

Claudia Hess, this fake Rhenish native from Bonn, is not an ordinary, boring woman. She is the opposite of Nora, but she is even scarier. What made Nora so powerful, was her wealth and the family’s influence. What makes Claudia so scary, is her psychopathic personality. And Claudia does not come from a poor family either.

It makes her even scarier than Nora and the Balling sisters. Even if Nora carries a weapon license, her personality will never be as scary as Claudia’s.

Before “divorcing” Nora in 1998, Thomas had already left her in Los Angeles in 1993 and returned to live in Germany permanently. At that time, he met Claudia, the daughter of Hans and Doris Hess. Of course, they’ll tell you they met in 1996, but soon we’ll tell you why that’s not true.

Below is a photo of young Claudia and her “mother”. At first glance, you can immediately tell that she looks like the sister of Dieter Bohlen. An absolute copy. But she is, in fact, a COUSIN.

Doris, the mother, coincidentally looks like the mother or a relative of Guido Karp, Thomas’ so-called childhood friend. About this, we will talk a little later in the next.

Claudia (r) & her “mother” (NDR)

And we, of course, have the receipts that the first meeting between Thomas and Claudia was never in 1996 at a local cafe. But much, much earlier than that. Perhaps, around the time when Dieter and Thomas “reconciled” in 1994. Perhaps, Claudia was “the reconciliation”, a marriage pact to bind him to the Bohlens.

In this interview from 1995, the host here asks Thomas if he is still single, because the women and “groupies” are “interested”, and Thomas responds: “My heart has already been taken long ago, but I don’t know for how long”.


About Thomas’ romantic life at that time, including his sexuality (which was always a common topic) a lot was speculated. Some rumored that he had a couple of short affairs, while in Russia there were some rumors here and there that he was involved in one-night stands with his female fans (in Russia, of course).

There was also a rumor that he was in a relationship with Nora’s “friend”, Jutta Ternes, in 1994, who accompanied both of them in Thomas’ solo concerts abroad. If he even was in a relationship with her. Past lessons tell us that wherever Nora is involved, something is going on. In this old report too, of this rumor, Jutta is not described as Nora’s friend but the new girlfriend of Thomas who accompanied him at a ball.

After meeting Claudia, allegedly in 1996, these possible adventures stopped and now he is a devoted husband and family man. But here in this interview, he clearly says he is in a relationship.

On the internet, and in MT forums, there exist many old photographs of Thomas and a female fan, which judging by hairstyle looks like it’s the early 1990s. These photographs are only fan-collections, which we assume are uploaded to forums. We don’t know when they were taken. But the consensus of these forums and MT communities is that this woman in the photo is Claudia.

By the way, this is only a speculation. It can be her, or not be her. This does not matter when you have Thomas in 1995 confirming that he was already in a relationship, and not “single”. But you cannot blame the fans for doubting her intentions. Claudia would often lie about her preferences in music, in men, and pretty much about the first meeting with her husband too.

In these same forums, there also exist speculations that Claudia had courted Thomas for a long time, and that Claudia was Guido Karp’s protege. At first, it only looks like a rumor, but then this theory starts to make sense: That woman with young Claudia looks like Guido Karp’s relative, if not mother, maybe aunt.

Source: Guido Karp

And Guido himself was very kind and smart to share this photo of his deceased sister and father. You can say that only one of them looks like a relative of Claudia’s “mother”. For some reason, he never tends to share photos of his mother, Rosie, which Thomas writes and speaks with so much praise and warmth for her.

Probably because this “Rosie” now disguises as “Doris Hess”. Guido does not come off as a close childhood or school friend of Bernd but rather a perverted snake who changed his masters: From Balling dog to Bohlen dog.

Claudia is not named Claudia Hess, and her parents are not named Hans and Doris.

Her REAL parents are, IN FACT, Arndt Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach and Henriette von Auersperg. Claudia von Bohlen sounds more fitting than “Claudia Hess”.

This couple, who married in 1968 and “officially” finished childless due to Arndt’s homosexual orientation, gave birth to Claudia soon after. Perhaps, she was not born in 1972. But much earlier. It never finished childless.

Arndt von Bohlen, this pretty boy of the Krupp dynasty who was almost not born due to the persistence of Bertha Krupp on her bride to abort him, was a homosexual man and gave up on the Krupp inheritance because he found it useless. Like Dieter, he also studied business management. According to official data, he died in 1986 from lymphatic cancer.

But that’s again, not true. Because he is pretty much alive and living at Thomas Anders’ house as father-in-law.

Reich, klug, unglücklich: Der letzte Krupp lebte eine Zeit lang in Friedewalde | Petershagen - Mindener Tageblatt
Arndt Krupp von Bohlen

In 1968, Arndt married Austrian countess Henriette “Hetty” von Auersperg.

Henriette was also known as Johannes von Thurn und Taxis’ permanent companion before his marriage in 1980. Does this man ring a bell to you?

He was the husband of Thomas’ biological sister, Gloria von Thurn und Taxis who married in 1980.

Nothing is coincidental anymore, and everything is connected.

Henriette von Auersperg & Arndt von Bohlen

Claudia inherited a lot from her mother, Henriette, and a lot from her father, Arndt. She is a mix of both.

And the similarity is absolutely undeniable and indisputable.

Arndt von Bohlen

It can seen too that Arndt did not really die from cancer in 1986. But he escaped, hid, and changed his name.

And the reconciliation between Dieter and Thomas in 1994 happened indeed very quickly.

Both his real and adoptive family abandoned him, and it turns out that the Bohlen family won him very quickly from the Balling’s guardianship. In this respect, Thomas has no choice.

The man who carried Claudia to the alter in 2000 is exactly the same man, Arndt Krupp. Only this time, he did a lot of plastic surgery to hide.

This is the last known photo of Arndt, so similar to the so-called “Hans Hess”.

The “last” photo of Arndt Krupp von Bohlen

And when you look at this old photograph, which I suspect it’s the “last” known photograph before his “death”, you can’t help but notice how many similarities there are with that old man in the wedding and with Arndt here.

“Hans Hess” “Doris” and Alexander | Photo: Carina Schuh

Like Balling, like Bohlen.

These two surnames which are the very same linguistic, have the very same root: BALD. A word that originates from the old gothic language that means courageous, brave… Balt was also the ruler of the Visigoths. Centuries later, these two families “fight” over who’s going to own a prince.

Or if they fight, or simply share their toy with each other, it’s not known.

Source: Project Gutenberg


Euro history journal 1023: A Very Unique Lady: Princess Hetty of Auersperg (1933-2019)
“Hetty” Auersperg & Arndt von Bohlen

In 2002, a baby boy called Alexander Mick was born. “Officially” speaking, it would finally be Thomas’ first child and son. But a few weeks later, there were rumors that Claudia was spotted at an adoption center. Coincidentally, Nora had already been seen moving from Munich to Koblenz, a few weeks after Alexander was born.


Here we see Claudia’s psychopathic abilities unfold, as she was using “post-partum depression” to justify why she was seen at an adoption center after the birth of Alexander, and she even wrote an entire book about it.

PPD is a medical condition that affects women during pregnancy, and usually, it happens when husbands or partners do not support their significant other be it physically, emotionally, sexually, or financially. Basically a man who does not treat his woman like a princess. Because pregnant women must live in heaven.

But Claudia… She lied expertly about what dirty things happened behind the scenes.

Freizeit Revue

Is Thomas such a terrible husband, after wanting so much to become a father for the first time (apparently)? Or Claudia, the psycho used it as an excuse to cover something?

The so-called son of Thomas, Alexander-Mick, tries so hard to sound like his father with the way he squints his eyes and forces a smile. Sascha inherited nothing from Thomas, and that is evident from his facial traits.

Alexander looks more like Arndt in his youth than he does with Thomas. Anthropologically it seems like, Arndt Krupp had a child with another woman. Which essentially makes Alexander the brother of Claudia from father’s side.

And Sascha is indeed Arndt’s son. We have an idea who might be the mother, but again, it’s only small speculation.

Sascha-Mick Weidung

Claudia, just like Nora and her sisters, also hides the children she had with Thomas. And she was indeed pregnant at some point. Perhaps, even earlier than 2002.

In this earlier photograph from January 1997, Thomas “introduces” Claudia to the fans as his new girlfriend. And Claudia here looks visibly a little chubby.

And for some reason, we feel she might’ve been pregnant here, perhaps in her 3rd or 4th month.

VK | FanTomas

Years later in 2004, Thomas revealed to a Russian interviewer that Claudia was once again pregnant and the doctors had told them that they would be twins. He said: “The Russian fans will be the first ones to know”.

But whatever happened to the mysterious child or the twins only Thomas and Claudia know.

Source: Speed Info RU

The child of Claudia and Thomas is of course not Alexander and the babies would certainly not look like some homeless Slavic boy who hangs out with gangsters.

It’s laughable to even consider this guy Thomas’ son. With all due respect.

Instead, this is how the children are supposed to look like. The results show that the kid inherits the father’s skull and the mother’s jaw. But not only, they also inherit the father’s eye shape and color, as well as ears.

The pictures of course do not show 100% accuracy, but they’re close approximates and it can give you ideas.

This scary woman who behaves for the public as the sympathetic, sweet, and devoted wife is not only Dieter’s cousin, she is also his messenger, spy, and ultimately, Thomas’ personal entourage and manager. He cannot escape, he is in a cage.


She not only acts as an “advisor” but also controls his social media sites, his “fan-mails” and his career. From Russian fans, where Thomas is popular, it’s said that they cannot talk to Thomas without contacting the wife first.

Dieter knows everything about Thomas’ plans, schedules, and concerts because Claudia informs him. She is his mole and Dieter is always one step ahead.

How can Dieter explain that he rushed to make a Modern Talking album (Back for Gold) full of lazy remixes, exactly one year after Thomas released “History”, an album with the band’s greatest hits completely overhauled in Schlager style and one song “Lunatic” in typical Modern Talking style? (which was made by a hobby producer called Alexander Bez)


Looks like he knew of the plans and lazily made an album out of spite and panicked because people would notice that the “Kleiner Schlagersänger” has some hidden materials where producers use them to create the style of Modern Talking.

While he either cannot, or is clueless.

And not only did he release an album, but he also made his version of “Brother Louie in 2019 and collaborated with two German rappers, Capital Bra & Kay One, who “revitalized” (LOL) the songs in the rap genre. This was done to attract popularity among younger audiences.

The fans of Bohlen cannot answer why his idol is so vengeful. You cannot be vengeful against somebody you consider useless. And this is not the first time, too. In the 1990s, the vengeful Dieter behaved much worse than now. But it doesn’t mean revenge has not stopped.

Chery Lady – Capital Bra [Discgos]
Dieter nowadays, since he “finally” got the rights to sing the songs solo in 2019 (because before he always sang them playback) schedules concerts around the exact time Thomas does, and in the very same venue and place. Thomas has always revealed to his fans that he plans his concerts 1-2 years prior and that Dieter follows suit every time in Thomas’ plans, which is suspicious.

In January 2023, Dieter’s ex, Verona Feldbusch had invited Thomas to her talk show. There, she revealed that Dieter had told her once when they were dating: “You have eyes like Thomas Anders”. A few days before, Dieter had released a controversial pro-Russian interview with “Stern”. He knew that if people focused more on his stupid clownish statements, nobody learn from Verona’s statements that Dieter is a closeted homosexual.

Claudia and the so-called Thomas’ school friend, Guido Karp, are both his managers, and both are the ones that have blocked Systems in Blue from collaborating with Thomas in every single attempt: in 2004, in 2016, or 2021. The group of Systems in Blue also confirmed that themselves. The management of Thomas considered SIB “very old people”.

The psychopath plays an essential role in Dieter’s plans and the Bohlen family. While Dieter simply wants to gain personal control over his cosmic love, the Bohlen family as a whole wants the prince of Schönburg for the same purpose as Balling did. But this time, the Bohlens have the upper hand and are more clever than the Ballings: the Bohlens are disguising with fake identities.


    1. Well, technically, he cannot escape anybody’s trap… He is deemed “too important” to be left alone. It is like a prison and perhaps with years he learnt how to get used to it. Others will say ‘is all bullsh*t’, but really no.

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