The Silent Criminals of Modern Talking

To be a criminal you don’t necessarily need to commit the crime itself, but also participate in helping others to be able to commit it.

And Modern Talking has so many silent criminals, that you’d need a while to dissect every single one of them. Starting from the so-called head of the band itself, Dieter Bohlen.

For what they all did to Thomas Anders, they should all be exposed and shamed, even those who are feet under. They must all be held accountable for their negligence, their lies, and their participation, just to sell themselves for money.

Dieter had known Thomas since his early 20s, in 1981. It was around that time when Thomas was also acquired by the Balling family as a breeding object. There is also a small rumor that they might’ve known each other in 1979 inside the HANSA record label, (it is said, that Thomas’ HANSA casting in 1979 was recorded by a friend of Dieter) but that’s just an unconfirmed rumor. With our sources that we have, for 4 years, they were very good friends behind the scenes, and their friendship was so well kept hidden. So they had to lie many times about the “first” meeting.

And becoming Balling’s victim, Bohlen knew everything that was happening to Thomas. He knew his roots, his real birthdate, him himself, his whole terrible fate and life. But he was silent. Dieter was as much of a rapist and an abuser as the Ballings were.

For him it cannot be called rape, he loved Thomas. So even if he raped, in his psyche it was “making love”. That’s why he finds no wrong in his actions

It makes him an even bigger traitor and a criminal. Not just for staying silent, but also because he keeps on acting hostile to Thomas publicly. He was Balling’s dog, now he is a different kind of dog.

His participation is definitely the worst of all the silent criminals. He betrayed his one true love, for money. You can expect such behavior from him. From such a disturbing individual whose love language is control and who is psychologically unwell, you can expect anything.

But there are other silent criminals, who are just as bad, just not the worst.

Modern Talking’s photographer, Fryderyk Gabowicz, who passed away in 2007, is one of the witnesses who kept silent throughout his life. Not only did he keep silent and participate in babbling the lies everybody told, but he was also one of Dieter’s closest friends within Modern Talking. Israeli media (Gabovich was Israeli) in the 1980s wrote that they “are very good friends”.

Fryderyk Gabowicz

And how can it be any different with Gabovich, too? Who said: “If it weren’t for Nora, Modern Talking would still exist”. Told by the guy who photographed Nora, Thomas, and Dieter all naked in Nora’s apartment.

Naive fools will keep on thinking that it’s nothing alarming. And to explain that this is very alarming, we need to go back to the bed photos. We promised that we would reveal something shocking about the photographs, whose date and location had been manipulated online, let alone on BRAVO magazine.

As you can see, in this photo where Dieter lies naked in bed, it was written on BRAVO that this was captured at Dieter’s house, on 31st January 1985. And it’s also written the same on Getty Images.

Then, in another caption, it is written that this photo was captured on 7th February 1985 in Koblenz. Basically, around the same time and location when the photograph with Nora and Thomas in bed was captured. It’s not just this blatant manipulation, it’s also the fact that the headboards of the bed were practically the same.

Gabovich most likely witnessed a threesome that had just finished and continued capturing photographs as if nothing happened. In addition to being completely silent.

And the fact that BRAVO’s Chief Editor, Inge Czygan herself approved the photographs by manipulating the location and the time makes her just as much of a silent criminal.

She not only was BRAVO’s chief editor but also Bohlen’s mouthpiece. He would tell her any bullshit that was conceivable for him to be told. It’s incredible how the magazine’s chief editor, ended up the “source” of all news around Modern Talking and the main interviewer. Like they hired her just in case.

It was a big advantage also for Nora that she was constantly portrayed as an idiot, it happens when you have such strong connections.

Thomas Anders and Dieter Bohlen with BRAVO chief editor Inge Czygan

And Inge was such a big liar, that she was the one to push the “Thomas the faggot” narrative all the time in the magazines. She disliked Thomas so much that she would create any stupid rumor or ask him stupid questions to humiliate him. At the beginning, she interviewed both Dieter and Thomas. And while the questions made Dieter sound like a heterosexual idol, for Thomas, she made questions such as “Are you a closeted gay?”

Bravo 1985
BRAVO with the question: “Is Thomas a singing faggot?”

Inge was also pretty much present in the (playback) concerts of Modern Talking. She was also present in the incident where Dieter invited the two girls to the stage to disrupt the performance as “revenge” on Thomas for bringing Nora (and Jutta Ternes) on stage to mime to the recording tracks as if both Dieter and Thomas weren’t already miming to them.

And since Nora was already so powerful, there was also nothing Dieter could’ve done. It wasn’t revenge on Thomas, but perhaps to hide something. When Thomas would collapse from fainting, the girls would be ready to come over and disrupt the performance.

The girls were said to have escaped the stewards, but if they were invited by Dieter himself, how could they crash with the stewards? That’s like saying the bride appeared uninvited to her wedding.

And Dieter told so much bullshit to Inge that she would comply with anything he said and asked. This case is no different. Also, if we suppose the story it’s true, how come there is no personal story from the audience that was present in the concert?

The concert did happen, as there exist photographs. But in all forums online, including (German speaking) social platforms there is nobody to have come forward and to have confirmed that there was indeed a disruption. So far there has been no witness of such a disruption even from those who attended the concert.

And keep in mind, this was not a Modern Talking concert but a “Formel Eins” tour, a German music show. Own concerts can be sometimes private, especially when they’re hosted in discotheques, but in this case it cannot be private, it is a tour hosted by a German TV Show, which means a lot of artists were there not just Modern Talking. Normally, this TV show and the journalists should show footage, ask the audience that was present… If Inge cannot do her job properly, then this TV Show had to. But looks like they are all the same bread: CRIMINALS.


In the BRAVO magazine piece, it was written that Nora’s “employee” Guido Karp tried to shoo the girls away with physical violence.

And Karp is just as much of a traitor as everybody else.

At least, Dieter got something right while leaking news to Inge: The so-called (school) friend of Thomas was also one of Nora’s “employees”. Because if we check old photographs, you’ll notice how Karp was always present with Thomas and Nora at every concert. He would accompany Thomas in his solo concerts even without Nora’s presence, sometimes even fake-play the guitar, and now he is part of Thomas’ “management”. In the past, he would also photograph the couple very often and the photographs would be later used for magazines.

Basically, Bohlen’s cousin and another traitor who sold himself for money, are Thomas’ management.

Karp had been the “high school friend” of Thomas since the 1980s, the early photographs you see from the 1980s when Thomas started as a Schlager singer were also made by him. Karp rose from being Nora’s employee and personal photographer of the couple to one of the most (unfortunately) respected photographers in the world, who has photographed very big and prominent bands and musicians such as AC DC and Michael Jackson.

This is what happens when you become a loyal servant of Nora and the Ballings. You’ll be given a career, from a random village photographer to living his life as a Los Angeles resident where a lot of musicians trust him to take over the photo sessions.

This dude, in addition, also seems quite gay by behavior. The way he behaves here in these photos below (right) is shockingly gay for somebody who was asked to be the godfather at this wedding.

Obviously, this is not the serious behavior of a godfather or a close friend. It looks like he’s another hidden, perverted homosexual who profited from the situation.

Karp said in 2003, that Thomas is now very lucky to have such a loving wife like Claudia while Dieter will always struggle in his love life because of his horrible manners and behavior … Is Karp actually stupid and ignorant? Or he is also such a great actor?

Thomas didn’t just have traitors in his “social circle”, but also within the family. The so-called loving family of Weidung actually abandoned their “son” and didn’t really care if the wolves ate him. This so-called cunning fox of Koblenz, with so much power (only within his small village), Peter Weidung couldn’t do anything to keep his (adopted) son safe, the entire family had abandoned him and did not care if he died.

The only Weidung who truly loved him was the sister, Tanya-Katrin, and that can be explained through this photo, how much she cries.

His real family, von Schönburg-Glauchau, can be included in the list, too. Nothing can explain why they had to give him away, even if it was to save their bloodline, or future, from a curse or a doom… You know, these weird Royals’ stuff.

Some families send their children away to save them, this family sent their most important child and the true heir to the throne away, perhaps to save themselves from a superstition… And you won’t believe what happened.

Thomas’ father, Joachim von Schönburg, the imperial prince, not only gave up on his princely inheritance and went on to live a normal life, but also cheated on his wife, Countess Beatrix with another woman and had a daughter with her. In 1986, the couple divorced.

Picture Alliance | Joachim, her mistress and the illegal daughter.

So much for “saving the family future” from a curse.

But all these people are not the only silent criminals. There are also some silent criminals, who were really loud. This is the German people.

Never has happened in the history of German music, for a German artist to be extremely hated to such disgraceful levels. The German people might not have had a direct hand in Thomas’ suffering, but they encouraged his suffering thanks to the hatred that they had for him, which was completely unnecessary, unfounded and despicable. At this point, we don’t think they have any remorse.

Making rape, gay and death jokes about Thomas in the 1980s Germany was very funny, in the 1990s they called him “useful prostitute for one night”. This is the same treatment Marilyn Monroe received in her days.

Women and men together rejoiced in their hatred for him. “It’s his fault if he is called a faggot”. BRAVO asks if Thomas is really a faggot, and the Germans responded “YES”, in the next issue. WOMEN.

Mind you, Germans did not have a problem with feminine or gay artists of the UK and USA, but their problem with Thomas was quite problematic. Probably because these British and American artists, did not spark the Germans some inner perversion. It was Thomas’ image and personality who, in German women, inflamed redirected sexual desires, and in German men, their latent gayness.

We do not say this, a pure German himself, Sigmund Freud says it. Psychology says it. People hate what they cannot have.

The men should have learned at least something from their heterosexual, hard-w0rking and honest idol, that they’ve praised to the highest pedestal, Dieter Bohlen. He accepted within himself that he was extremely gay for Thomas. Not so hard, innit?

You might dislike the music, but there exists a line between dislike and hatred. And when it came to Thomas, Germans did not care if he died. If he had an addiction, or if he was sexually abused. He will not be believed either if he opens up now.

Because the entirety of Germany are silent criminals. Everyone who has participated in this circus, will pay for it.


  1. I have been reading comments made after interviews on you tube that translated from Russian and surprisingly several people wrote that NB was a BDSM dom, and the NORA chain was part of the ritual…and also how lovingly DB always looked at TA while he was performing, like a starstruck lover, and how when TA would notice DB would give him a huge smile…so very few have caught on, but some have.

  2. Another piece of evidence I came across that I wanted to share of Nora and Thomas’ meeting earlier than publicly stated was directly from an interview on Youtube I saw called “Nora Anders interview in South Africa (Thomas Anders, Modern Talking)”, linked:
    Nora says within the first minute that she and Thomas were “long married before Modern Talking began” and when was that? Many public sources say 1984 or even 1983 but we know it’s earlier than that and so this is just another proof of her disgusting sadistic pedophilic relation to Thomas – preying on him as a young teen and literally obtaining him like an object. It’s absolutely disgusting. Nora is truly an evil saditic perverted witch.

    1. Public sources claim it is 1983 or 1984 because they only quote Thomas Anders’ book from 2011 (100% Anders) in which he wrote that the first meeting with Nora was in October 1983. Because before that, he had an older girlfriend named “Stefanie Slapanski”. A book looks like a more reliable source of information because it is like an “autobiography”, especially when it is written in first person. But as you have found out, and as we all know, the first “official” meeting with Nora, according to their own statements from the 1980s, was in 17th March 1981. For us and for you already it is clear why Thomas had to lie about the first date. Nora and her sisters were a bunch of pedophiles who used him as a sexual and breeding object. But trust us, Bohlens are not different from them either.

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