Debunking the lies about Modern Talking

This legendary band, which sold over 120 million records (some unconfirmed sources say it’s 165 million) with one sound hides probably the darkest secret in the history of music. And we decided to summarize such a never-told-before secret to the entire globe here on this website. Perhaps, Modern Talking lacked fame and success in the USA and the UK, but it does not make their story any less deserving of being told to the people.

There has been a series of dramas, inconsistencies, and lies that have been told before the band was even established. It looks like everybody lies, even those who weren’t even part of the band at all, everyone lies to hide something, and they’re okay with it. They’re okay with people being taken advantage of, as it’s very common in the music industry. And they’re also okay with people’s lives being ruined. Everybody has a story to tell. And everybody has to lie.

Like it or not, what halted this band from becoming so famous in the English-speaking countries, was not because their music sounded the same, or because the lyrics were cheesy. It was because this band, sadly became a German soap opera.

There was no drop of honesty in the band, there always has to be some drama, some complaints from a former member, some fights over money and acknowledgment, the involvement of people who weren’t even in the band at all, or the constant fights between Dieter Bohlen and Thomas Anders. In short, this band was absolutely a circus.

Without further ado, we’re making a list of the lies that have been told for over 40 years, be it about and from the band members and more, by debunking them.

Bohlen and Anders met for the first time in 1983 – In truth, they met way earlier than 1983. According to this old single description, it is clearly written that they met in 1981. The reason was: finding a singer for Bohlen’s projects, and the “project” in question was a cover version of F.R. David’s “Pick Up The Phone”… Seriously, what took so long to make a cover? In addition, the timing of the meeting coincides before Thomas even finished his Abitur (High School).

Source: HANSA

Luis Rodriguez was always the co-producer of Modern Talking – False. He only became the co-producer of Modern Talking during the production of the third album, which means, the end of 1985. Bohlen had sacked studio musicians Leroy Lee Davis and Ralf Stemmann and hired Luis Rodriguez as the co-producer. Previously, Luis only worked as a technician, but not as a co-producer.

Well… at least based on the credits… it was like that.

Bohlen sang the falsetto partsThe falsettos did not come from him, but from a group of musicians and producers, called Michael Scholz, Rolf Kohler, and Detlef Wiedeke. It’s a lie that the voices were recorded over 120 times “to sound better”. For Bohlen, the falsetto parts were always “squeaking” and not a difficult vocal technique. In this case, he is right, he squeaked the falsettos, not sang.


Systems in Blue are only backing vocalists – They were the main singers just as much as Thomas Anders, only that they had less content and verses to sing. SIB created a signature falsetto choir that could not be replicated even by the next choir singers that were hired, William Billy King, Christoff Bendorf, and Nino de Angelo, it’s unfair to call them replaceable vocalists, even more calling Bohlen a band member despite not having contributed anything to the compositions.

Systems in Blue at the Eurovision Song Contest – Photo: ORF

Anders is easily replaceable – For years, the fans of Bohlen always claimed that such a successful person would’ve found anybody for “his” MT project. Because there exists, somehow, an idea that Anders is very easily replaceable. If he was really easily replaceable, Bohlen would’ve not have begged him for a comeback. Anything else is only assumption, not pure fact. Especially when Anders is the brain, the face and the heart of MT. Anders could’ve found any guitarist, not the other way around

Nora was the teenager who ended Modern TalkingShe wasn’t a teenager, but an old woman from a rich family of real estate agents who set their prey on Anders and made him their own breeding toy. She was so powerful that nobody could say a word against her. But as a so-called teenager, she was very powerful for making an entire record company, including Bohlen, tremble when they see her. Technically, the band wasn’t ended because of Nora’s fights with Bohlen and Thomas’ lack of ability to rationalize. Responsible for the ending of the band were the three of them. And several factors. In fact, Bohlen obeyed Nora. The fights were about something else.

Bohlen composed the songs – Of course what is common knowledge and undisputable for many is that Bohlen composed the songs of Modern Talking. But the wolf never changes his habit. Although he is entitled by law to own all the materials, which means, the acapella versions, the multi-tracks, the instrumentals with rough sounding pads etc, unfortunately for Bohlen fans, he doesn’t own any of these. Thomas, is the one who owns all of these rare materials. You don’t believe us? Read this article in red-highlights and you will understand everything.

Anders only has one son – Alexander-Mick Weidung has deceived the people effectively that he squints his grayish-green eyes and smiles widely to match the vibes of the old man Bernd, that a lot start to think they’re the same bread. Comparing this dude, who for a photo shoot only misses a black Adidas tracksuit, a bottle of vodka, and seeds, to the Egyptian God-like Thomas of the 1980s, they are nothing alike. In reality, Thomas was never able to hold his real children that he had with the Balling sisters and current “wife”, Claudia, in his arms. We have managed to find 2, or 3 of the children, which we of course are not going to name them. Instead, thanks to AI technology, we can all get an idea. Fortunately, for Thomas, at least he got to meet one of his first and many children, albeit way too late, when Thomas is now an old man and the son is an adult in his early 40s.

Anders and Bohlen were a gay couple – In the 1980s, the judgments by the people towards sexualities were even harsher than now, but the rumors for some of the named/rumored gay artists have ended. Something similar happened with the Pet Shop Boys, although not so persistent, and it lasted quite short, but not as with Anders and Bohlen, where the rumors of their alleged romantic relationship still continue to this day. So why is this happening at MT? Well, what gave people the gay vibes were due to Thomas’ appearance which also triggered Bohlen’s feelings. People still suspect Thomas is gay, even though he isn’t, when there is already Dieter himself. That Thomas is a beautiful man, gives people idea to defend Bohlen’s perversion. It’s similar to the harassment that women receive from men. The truth is, Dieter is the only gay here. It can be explained by his body language, behavior, and statements regarding Thomas. The strange touches, the ear biting, the nicknames and name-callings with a romantic undertone, the lyrics that Bohlen wrote, and most importantly his taste in women. He doesn’t date tanned, dark women because they think they are beautiful like Thomas was, he dates them because they remind Bohlen of Thomas. And that’s a sign of Bohlen’s hidden homosexuality.

The birthdates – Dieter Bohlen was not born in 1954, he was born in 1958 and he had admitted it himself by writing down the birth year in a Pop Rocky magazine. As for Thomas’ real birthdate, this area needs more research. Because Dieter, at least, has proof of lying.

The real roots – Bohlen is not the son of Edith and Hans Bohlen, he is the son of Harald Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach and Rosalie Nitribitt, the famous German prostitute who was famously “murdered” in 1957. Her case is unsolved and a mystery for a good reason: because she never was murdered but went to escape. Neither is Thomas the son of Helga and Peter Weidung, but the son of the ancient German imperial family, von Schönburg-Glauchau. His real parents, Joachim von Schönburg and Beatrix Szechenyi escaped with their children for five years to Africa (1965-1970) under the justification of “opening a radio station”. Much later, they settled down in Meckenheim, a city less than an hour away from Thomas’ birth town.

Harald von Krupp (left) and Rosalie Nitribitt (right)
The REAL parents of Thomas Anders – Prince Joachim von Schönburg-Glauchau and Countess Beatrix Szechenyi

The music was commercial – Another point of critique that followed the band since the beginning, was also the sheer desire to create as many albums as possible, as quickly as possible. Modern Talking began releasing albums twice a year, to the point that some of the fans started to steer away from the band because the melody became too monotonous and uncreative. Basically, if you knew one song, you knew all of them. But the reason why the group developed a stereotype, that they allegedly are a commercial band, was not mainly because of Bohlen’s greed, nor because the record company demanded them to. In fact, the songs were already created before the band was even established because the hook was already made and created. The reason why the band later sounded commercial, though, was mainly because the remaining songs on the shelf had to be released quickly until Nora, this powerful, rich woman who made everyone obey her, said: “Stop”. That is why, the ending of Modern Talking was always planned since at the beginning and was never disbanded “out of nowhere”. Remember, only a band who wants to end itself quickly, would want to release all the songs so quickly and so in a rush. In addition, the hiring of Luis Rodriguez as co-producer did not help, as the sound worsened over time.


Thomas’ musical career flopped – And speaking of commercialism, there exists a myth that speaks about Anders’ continuous failure of his musical career. Truthfully, what Bohlen and Anders achieved solo was never as successful as “MT”, but the main reason why people think that Thomas was a failure, was his lack of awards and chart climbers.

On the other hand, Bohlen’s success was never defined by his musical talent, but rather by the “Nummer Eins”, the money he made, and by the race with Anders. Working for Blue System and other artists, the main standard for Bohlen became surpassing Anders, while Anders had to prove he was as good as Modern Talking’s success. This alone, says everything.

After “MT” was disbanded, it was Thomas who worked with famous producers and composers such as Gus Gudgeon, Alan Terney, Chris Rea, the producers of A-ha, Elton John, etc. While Dieter’s biggest achievement at the time was working with Bonnie Tyler (and Dionne Warwick), whose world success declined after her joint work with Bohlen, and no coincidence.

It was also Thomas who, after the band broke up, gave concerts in the USSR, Latin America, Asia, and South Africa, in addition to his Spanish album being a huge success in Argentina. While Bohlen continued to rot in Germany. In the meantime, speaking of Gold and Platin, Anders also received them as a soloist in Russia, and the “Nummer Eins” with Florian Silbereisen in 2020. So, was Anders really a failure, as far as commercial success is concerned?

MT lyrics are nonsense – Contrary to popular belief, the lyrics, which were mainly written by Dieter Bohlen, also for Blue System, were so homosexual, that nobody had any idea what was going on, because they were busy mocking how bad Bohlen’s English was. These assumptions, this critique, gave Bohlen more freedom, and was able to breathe calmly. Nobody should learn those extremely gay lyrics about Thomas. Dieter wrote the lyrics as if he was writing gay fan fiction online, and in fact, the only people who noticed the sheer perversion are exactly the writers who write gay fan fiction or slash writers of Modern Talking, which they call love.

Anders can’t sing high notes – Another myth that exists is that Thomas can’t sing high notes and is very limited vocally. This because Dieter Bohlen told the people that Anders’ vocal abilities were limited to four notes, that’s why “the songs sounded all the same”. In addition, the audience was told that Anders never sang the falsetto parts of Modern Talking, perhaps it’s what makes them think he cannot sing. People in general aren’t so intelligent when it comes to thoroughly judging and describing people’s vocal abilities but Dieter as the so-called composer and the producer, who also happens to be the judge of people’s vocal abilities in “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, must know that he already knew what singer he had in Thomas, and if he was so limited vocally, he could’ve easily found a different singer much more talented than him.

But as we’ve seen, he has never done that, because Bohlen does not know music, instead, he has constantly crawled back to Thomas for a comeback. In fact, Thomas had showcased many times, since he was a child that he could sing low, the mid-notes, and falsettos. It’s enough seeing his old performances as a child and the live performances as an adult. Another lie is that Thomas’ voice was perfected in the recordings with computers because it did not sound as good. Well, we kind of prefer his live voice. Whether he sang the falsetto parts of Modern Talking is unknown, but there do exist videos like this one, where Thomas sings the falsettos flawlessly as if he really was a member of the Systems in Blue.


  1. I feel like I’m reading a list of debunk from a twitter stan or a floptok creator. Keep going, I like this blog. Hey if MT were famous in English-speaking countries, their stories and secrets gonna blow up. I wanna share your posts on twitter so much but like nobody gonna read it

    1. Hi 👋😊
      Seeing how Modern Talking have become viral on TikTok we also want to relate to a younger audience who might have just discovered them now, so we are also using “Gen-Z” slang in our articles. If you want you can still share them on Twitter, TikTok or wherever you want. Thank you 🙂

      1. In addition it is important that this blog is in English because it gives much more credibility towards a German speaking audience. The German audience would probably be struck by a shock factor, how could these facts be released online.. etc.

        1. This blog is rarity, you guys ate and left no crumbs. I found my fav place on internet as I found your blog, it freaking rare to see MT content in English

          1. Thanks so much 🙏 We are grateful that the website is reaching some popularity online, even though it’s only around 6-7 months old, it means we are doing things right. Yes it’s very rare to find articles and blogs in English, and even if you find, they mostly share stuff we already know. What differs our blog to others is that our blog is pure investigation. Many can label it conspiracy theory but we dont care.

      2. I mean them twitter stan totally write a whole serious article/research about a fiction city name ‘Gag City’ created by Nicki Minaj. I mean your enthusiasm are as big as as Twitter stan, you guys literally spend your time to do serious research for me and others to read is admirable.

        1. Our enthusiasm is more about desire and determination to uncover the truth for the people who have been deceived. It’s more or less like a criminal investigation. Because what happened to Thomas in these 40-50 years, is absolutely beyond criminal.

  2. As you guys are really go into deep research. Do you guys find any unreleased meterials from MT? If they really had, I hope they going to release them.

  3. Thomas Anderes is not old his 61 years old His was on March 1st 1963
    Thomas has been married to his wife Claudia Hess- Weidung -Anders since July of 2000
    He have one son who was born in the year 2002 which make his son very young
    Not in he Forties,
    Dieter Bohlen was born in 1954 which make Deiter 70 years old ,
    70 is not old either .

    1. Hi Bonnie.
      Please read our entire investigation on this website and you will understand that none of what you have read about Modern Talking in the past is true. There are 16-17 articles here which will take you a long time to read. But with patience you will understand the truth. Greetings!

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