Those who always saw Modern Talking on TV or on disco tours concluded that Thomas Anders, the singer was definitely homosexual because he dressed femininely, wore lip-gloss, and had a very feminine-sounding voice. Meanwhile, Dieter Bohlen was definitely heterosexual, because he is a “womanizer” and looked “masculine”.

Rumors that they were a couple were very common in the 1980s. There was no band except “MT” that had its image shattered by “gay rumors”. Other bands like A-ha, Tears for Fears, and Wham! weren’t as attacked, even with George Michael’s sexuality and overall style of that decade. Yes, there was a gay aura on “MT” too, but it wasn’t due to Thomas, as people and the media often suggested.

It was rather because of Dieter Bohlen.

His role in the entire story was not just being a “producer” of Thomas who “wrote” songs. He is actually the biggest betrayer known to mankind since Judas Iscariot.

Contrary to popular belief, and to their lies, Thomas and Dieter knew each other for longer than February 1983. It can be a coincidence that they independently knew who that obscure Schlager singer “Melanie Sanders” was (from 1981) However, old evidence from 1984 actually supports the theory that it was no coincidence.

Some teen magazines like BRAVO and PopRocky did spill the beans at the beginning of the band’s success, that the meeting was not in 1983. Rather 1982 or 1981. There are fluctuations but it’s not 1983. It was around the time when Thomas finished his Abitur, if not earlier.

“Dieter met Thomas for the first time “four years ago” because Dieter wanted to find a suitable singer for his demos” – POP ROCKY 1985
“Dieter was the one who discovered Thomas 4 years ago” “Dieter, who is very attached to Thomas, is very depressed “I really like Thomas. I almost have paternal feelings for him. This whole story causes me great pain.” [POP ROCKY 1985]
“Dieter and Bernd got to know each other THREE years ago in a studio” – BRAVO 1985
Source: HANSA

The information did not come from ducks. Within the HANSA record label itself, it was already known that Dieter discovered Thomas after January 1981. So after Thomas’ first public appearance as a singer at the “Michael Schanze show”. Read this record single of YMHYMS.

BILD writes here in this article from 1998, that Anders and Bohlen met in a Koblenz discotheque in 1984, where Dieter recruited Thomas… what if the event is correct, but the year it’s not? Guess we’ll never know and it’s probably just yellow press stuff.


Perhaps, the wealthy friend that Thomas described in his autobiography in 2011 as “Steffen” with whom he went on vacation to Southern France, is Dieter. Because, as per the excerpts in the book, Steffen was older (finished graduating early) liked sports cars, and was rich. This is the description of Dieter. He is the one who loved collecting sports cars. Remember?

Steffen, in fact, did exist, but not the guy that Thomas describes in the book. Because the real Steffen is only Thomas’ and Guido Karp’s former classmate that Nora used as an alibi in the (fake) boyfriend fairytale.

The “Steffen” in question (Private collection)
Steffen Burkhardsmeier

Here we must emphasize Dieter’s role in Thomas’s life, from the beginning up to now. He was not just a “producer”, he was the “bodyguard” who would act as Thomas’ friend and keep him ‘distracted’ with the music. Only that, Dieter did not expect to fall in love with a man.

And Dieter, even if he would sell his own family and children for a number one, it doesn’t mean that he isn’t or was never in love with Thomas. It’s all these way-over-the-top statements he made in the 1980s. It was like Dieter was on cloud 9 whenever he talked about him.

“We spend hours in the studio” -“If someone had predicted THREE years ago that I would meet such a guy like Thomas, I’d have shaken my head in disbelief” – Bohlen 1985

Perhaps, Thomas also considered Dieter a very good and close friend.

But Dieter betrayed him. By being silent, by adding more fuel to the fire, by humiliating Thomas, by probably even contributing to his suffering. Because men like him love to use manipulative tactics to get what they want, even when it comes to sexual favors…

Here it’s a bonus video for those who believe Thomas and his wife blocked Dieter from being successful in the USA.. Even though Dieter successfully lied everywhere in Germany that Nora and Thomas blocked American success, in other places where no big media could see anything, Dieter got comfortable and told the truth like it was: Modern Talking had a rough schedule in the 1980s and the focus was only on Europe. And basta.


All this evidence already shows that Nora and Dieter were already acquainted with each other from 1980-1981. Nora, Thomas, and Dieter lived either in Dieter’s villa in Bergstedt or Nora’s apartment in Koblenz (allegedly Thomas’ apartment). And with Thomas being much younger (and vulnerable, weaker) than them, you can already guess what happened.

It can also be suggested that Dieter’s first house in Bergstedt was initially owned by Nora. Even though Dieter had more than enough money to buy anything he wanted (thanks to being half Krupp) perhaps this villa was a temporary gift from her. Her parents were real estate agents and also owners of hundreds of houses and hotels across Germany. After Nora’s permanent departure to Los Angeles in 1988, Dieter quickly moved on from the house in Bergstedt to live independently in Totensen.

Getty Images

These intimate bed photos were shot by BRAVO photographer Frederik Gabowicz on 7th February 1985, on Bohlen’s birthday.

What’s interesting is the fact that the bed’s headboard is the same. Could be two different beds in that apartment, or worse, one bed. And if it’s the latter, it means: Gabovich photographed three naked people for BRAVO who could’ve had a threesome.

And Gabovich was simply silent, he collected the paycheck, didn’t care, and took all the secrets to the grave. In the next articles, we will prove how Gabowicz manipulated the photos and their dates online.

It is the same location, the same apartment, and perhaps the same bed.

It’s amusing how these details, which are simply on the internet, slip people’s sight and don’t second guess anything. It’s quite an obvious indicator that Thomas wasn’t just sexually abused by the three Balling sisters and by other men, but, MAYBE, also by his so-called friend Dieter, who without a shame portrays himself as the victim and Thomas the perpetrator all this time.

To make matters worse, Bohlen is exactly that person who would have sex with any young boy who looks like Thomas of the early 1980s. But well, even if we suppose he didn’t rape, because this is a grave “accusation” and we cannot prove this, more than 40 years later. What we can show, are the clues, even the smallest ones that describe things in so much detail, and Thomas’ body language against Dieter.

This Single-Cover, of The Night Is Yours The Night Is Mine, shows a room that glows red, with red heels leaving the door and a pair of Adidas shoes. It’s true, though, that Bohlen was a sporty guy who wore Adidas clothing, but at the beginning when still young, Thomas also used to wear Adidas shoes.


But regardless, the entire design of this cover is incredibly creepy. Just as creepy are also the lyrics. It smells of pedophilia and loss of virginity.

But well… so-called business partners also seem to share clothes… perhaps even one garderobe. Pay close attention to the red jacket.

Getty Images

That Dieter lived in Nora’s apartment in Koblenz for some time, that Thomas and Dieter probably shared one garderobe, and that the bed photos were captured in one location, are three facts that were never mentioned anywhere. In fact, the photo where Dieter is naked was used by BRAVO as a gallery of Dieter’s house. (Scroll up to see the two BRAVO issues). This manipulation of information is unbelievable.

Why would you manipulate information if there is nothing to hide?

In the picture here below, you can also see the same red jacket that Dieter wears in the aforementioned photographs. It means that the pictures were taken on the same day and that Dieter had his own small wardrobe at Nora’s apartment (allegedly Thomas’ home).

The text is also quite hilarious: “BRAVO chief editor Inge Czygan visited Dieter Bohlen at home” …. WHICH HOME?

One of the most infamous stories at the time, which was also mentioned both by Bohlen and Anders in their “books”, was Modern Talking performing at a gay bar in London in 1985 called Hippodrome. Of course, Thomas and Dieter say they escaped the bar because they felt embarrassed to be announced as gays in front of the Brits. But if Dieter was the one who decided all the venues and the schedules (as he admitted himself in the book), then it was his idea to schedule a concert in a UK gay bar.

And poor Thomas, came back from London so sick that he ended up in the hospital. This part wasn’t mentioned in Thomas’ book where he allegedly had a “nervous breakdown”. According to newspapers of that time, and according to Dieter too, Thomas had to stay in hospital for two weeks. However, such a thing doesn’t happen from nervous breakdowns. Perhaps something even worse happened to him: he was raped by men in that gay bar. This is the only possible explanation.

BRAVO – June 85

It’s by no accident that Modern Talking was very popular in gay bars in the UK. Is it possible that they performed there in London? From the (few) British fans it’s told that “You’re my heart, you’re my soul” was more popular in gay bars than Brother Louie, even though it charted number 4 in the Isles.

This means that Modern Talking did perform at a gay bar, perhaps this one called Hippodrome. The only reason they had to explain as to why such a “mistake” and the opposite happened, was because they were caught red-handed by the media that they were at a gay bar. There’s a reason why Jimmy Somerville of Bronski Beat used to sing “YMHYMS” whenever he was touring in Germany.

Thomas did have a fainting spell, but not from being mistaken as gay. He had a fainting spell because he was most likely abused by men in that bar.

Jimmy Somerville (Bronski beat) from the music video Smalltown Boy


Here’s Jimmy Somerville singing You’re My Heart, you’re My Soul while in Berlin, Germany.

Dieter especially, always had to give stupid excuses as to why Thomas was always getting sick, or having fainting spells. He isn’t used to touring, or he isn’t used to flying. Or he isn’t used to stress. All ridiculous excuses.

This betraying coward knew what was happening, he had been a witness to such monstrosity, yet he was and still is silent. He had to keep silent about Thomas’ suffering in exchange for success, after being his friend for such a long time. Doubtful as a friend too, Didda probably just wanted Thomas in his bed.

Hence why the title is called: Your Close Friend Betrays You.

And Thomas, while still suffering, still made the demos of Modern Talking at home (which we’ll talk about later) that would later be accredited as Dieter’s masterpieces.

It needs to be said that it was quite possible that Thomas considered Dieter a really good friend at the beginning. Perhaps even platonically. But then Thomas started to give Dieter the cold shoulder. In almost every photoshoot in the 1980s, but also some from the 1998 reunion, Thomas was always seen hugging himself.

In body language, a person always seems to be protecting, hiding, and shielding himself from something… or someone. It’s not crossing your arms from confidence, but from fear.

Of course, in some photoshoots, they also seemed normal, friendly, happy, and cheerful. But you will notice this pattern of Thomas hugging himself everywhere. Take a look.

Why is he hiding himself so much? From what? From whom?

Simple rhetorical questions…

Now let’s ask another question: Did you know that Thomas was once infected with hepatitis (gay men’s disease), but it was swept under the rug?

Before we talk about that… earlier he missed (yet) another TV performance in France, where Bohlen had to replace him with Uwe Borgwardt, one of CC Catch’s guitarists and the stage member of MT.

Source: Unknown

Bohlen would answer for a French newspaper that Thomas was still recovering in the hospital:

“He lost his temper and fell into a slight depression from nerves, ended up in a hospital, where he was examined by doctors and psychologists who forbade him to work. Now he is on vacation and resting. But in February he will be reunited with me.”

All these fainting occurrences for Thomas were nothing new, for Dieter though, it was funny.

This wasn’t the first time Thomas missed a TV appearance in France, as you might have all heard about the incident with Desiree Nosbuch where Nora forces Thomas to leave the stage which became widespread news in France. Dieter, as always, lied everywhere about what happened. But in the same magazine from 1986 when asked again what truly happened, he answered this:

“No! This is not true… He [Thomas] himself believes that he simply lost his temper that day. He couldn’t perform in that state. He was close to fainting (pause, then laughs). His wife is indeed very jealous, but I assure you that this has nothing to do with Desiree Nosbush”

Source: unknown
OK France 1985: “Someone from the entourage tells the cameraman to focus on Thomas’ golden chain with wife’s name, otherwise he will refuse to perform.” – The someone from this entourage was none other than Nora’s puppet, Guido Karp.

After this scandalous event happened, Desiree was interviewed by German media and had to sell Dieter’s fake story that Thomas ran away due to Nora’s demand after she saw a female presenter was hosting the show.

And so, the famous and scandalous “Nora locks Thomas in the toilet (or hotel room)” rumor became a hilarious story to tell for the Germans and the fans 40 years later thanks to Dieter’s creative mind for fake stories. Nobody here notices, that Desiree simply told the media what Dieter told her. Nothing more.

In Germany the fact that Thomas was locked by Nora to play “board-games” in the toilet (just games, minus “board”, if you know what we mean) became a bigger scandal than Bohlen singing horribly live a couple of months earlier… oh wait, we forgot that performance was already CENSORED in Germany.. how lucky for Dieter.

But Desiree.. it’s not like she had any clue what was happening.

“Listen, Desiree, there is a problem. Thomas got away.” I thought, okay, I’ll show up for the dress rehearsal. “No,” said Dieter, “I think this is serious. His wife Nora noticed that you were hosting the show and did not allow Thomas to speak. She took him and locked him in a hotel room. Just yesterday in Oslo they had to change a 45-year-old female presenter to a male presenter because she was not allowed to interview Thomas!” [POP ROCKY]
On 7th February 1986, exactly a year later after the bed photos, Modern Talking gave a concert a few km away from Bohlen’s house. The concert was, of course, playback, but everybody in the audience including Thomas wished Dieter happy birthday. Nora was also watching, but not from the audience, of course. 30 minutes into the concert, Thomas and Dieter leave the stage to celebrate Dieter’s birthday together with Nora, meanwhile Erika Sauerland (Bohlen’s wife) and Luis Rodriguez are staying aside.

The article in German explains everything below.

Source: Popcorn

2 weeks later, Thomas announced for BRAVO in an interview that he (and allegedly Nora) was infected with hepatitis: “As long as me and Nora have to stay at home due to hepatitis, we aren’t allowed to use the solarium, so we both look pretty pale”

It’s quite evident that Thomas contracted hepatitis after he was sexually abused by a man (or men) Two weeks after Bohlen’s birthday.

Hepatitis as a disease itself can be contracted in several ways, from blood transfusion, syringes, contaminated food or unprotected sex. Hepatitis among married couples is very uncommon, so it leaves options only for homosexual sex.

Source: BRAVO

This hepatitis was called “jaundice” in the media, Thomas and Nora were advised not to drink too much alcohol or they’d damage their liver, is what the doctors of BRAVO magazine said. But, since BRAVO journalists aren’t doctors, they don’t know that jaundice from alcohol is chronic, and cannot be transmitted from human to human. Only hepatitis qualifies as a viral jaundice.

It’s already a big revelation that here we have to do with a rape case.

Of course, if you’ve come already to the end here, one can ask questions: what if Thomas simply was/is a gay man and just infected himself? The answer is: quite impossible, considering the fact that Thomas was under the supervision of Nora and her family, ALL-THE-TIME. And only SHE would decide if her sub, would have sex with men.

In case you haven’t understood yet, the relationship of Thomas and Nora was BDSM, but it was not from Thomas’ choice and consent.

Source: Bravo magazine

And Dieter, while witnessing and knowing all this, instead of speaking the truth and coming out clean, is silent and sleeps quite peacefully at home.

His jokes about Thomas’ being a homosexual who wore corsets, make it even worse. We don’t want to hint at anything, but Dieter looks and behaves exactly like a homosexual pedophile.

The image at the very top explains well why Dieter is a perverted betrayer.

There was always sexual abuse and abuse of power involved in this story.

People just didn’t know, and did not notice.



  1. Didda def was predatory – as he aged he became so horrifyingly terrifying looking that you look further into future pics and see him even older, gaunter…with intense malevolence etched into his rock-like face.
    Having difficult time accepting the Hep theory as it can come from tainted food (as well as tainted men…love) and cannot grasp that NA handed him around…am I so naive? TA is not that man unless he was so desensitized. And having said that I am reading and re-reading everything.
    What can happen to one individual is mind boggling and the so called -‘upper classes’ had agendas far beyond my imagination and begs the answers of why…
    NB wanted only male contact for TA unless of course her siblings ok give me time, this will all make sense as it gets deeper and more intense.

    1. Hi Susy 🙂
      If we check the nature of the relationship we can clearly see that it’s a BDSM relationship where Nora is the domme and Thomas the submissive. She breaks every important rule of BDSM (consent and safety) for her own pleasure and takes it very far: She makes Thomas wear her own clothes and underwear. If sub disobeys the domme, he gets “punished”.. I’m pretty sure it became worse behind the scenes (ordering him to have sex with other men as submissive etc) That is why we are convinced that Dieter isn’t as “against Nora” as people thought. The bed photos say it all.
      As for hepatitis, it’s clear that Thomas contracted it from homosexual sex. And it’s likely from Dieter. Because later on, on the newspapers it was written that Thomas got “jaundice from alcohol” . Ofc it’s clear they hid facts… jaundice from hepatitis and jaundice from alcohol are completely different.
      As far as the relationship is concerned, Nora is the dominant. But when it comes to breeding and purely sex, her elder sisters call the shots.

  2. The chains that bind people are surreal. Again, i continue to read and re-read all the information. Heart still aching for TA,

  3. No offenses, but hepatitis routes differ by viruses and doesn’t necessarily come from homosexual intercourses. However the Ballings were the biggest abusers here and were enough to make Thomas sick.

    1. No offense taken.
      Hepatitis doesn’t only come from homosexual intercourse but also from contaminated food, syringes, or unprotected sex. HOWEVER, the only way for this person to contract hepatitis from one of these three possibilities, is if ANOTHER INFECTED person has already used this food or syringe. Unprotected sex among heterosexual couples, especially married couples is extremely rare. Women are also less likely to contract hepatitis.
      So just logically thinking it only leaves place for: homosexual sex.

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