It’s impossible that a man with a prince’s blood remains childless all his life. You would want to reproduce as many children as possible. It did not happen any different with Thomas too, but he could not have a “Love Of his Own” unfortunately to do that. To have children with the woman you love and the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.

He could have children, he HAD several children, but he never got the chance to hold them in his arms. He was deprived of such feeling. Instead, he had to hold the child of someone else and raise him his own.

And with all this information, you shake your head how could these things happen, whether they are true or fake and it’s all fantasy… but in this sick world, anything can happen. The past few years have taught us that this world has always been sick.

And for the first time, we will reveal the real children of Thomas Anders. This article is now a reedition, as we’ve finally decided to reveal the names of the children, who now are all adults.

The Balling sisters, Dolores, Marion, and Eleanor, (Nora Balling) not only used Thomas for their own pleasure, like all powerful, wealthy people did with their victims, but also as a breeding machine. They followed a timing pattern for pregnancy which resulted in them having several children every two years. And there are two possibilities for that.

The eldest, Dolores, gave birth in 1981, the middle, Marion, in 1983, and the youngest, Nora in 1985. The pattern can continue also for 1987, 1989 and 1991 as per their ages.

The next possibility is that they conceived three children every two years. 1981, 1983, 1985, and finally in 1987. This means they could have had 12 children from him in total. Doesn’t matter if dead, or alive.

For us, both options are absolutely plausible. Especially the second possibility, which is only considered one as a result of this photograph. The three sisters are wearing oversized dresses, especially Marion (left), which could imply that they’re all pregnant here. This was taken at Nora and Thomas wedding in end July 1985.

But this is all speculative. What is true, however, is that they all had children with Thomas and we got to know who they are.

And just to be clear: Thomas also would not remain the father of a son who looks like the average Serbian boy from Belgrade. The son in question being “Alexander-Mick Weidung”.

But I guess since he squints his greyish-green eyes and forces a wide smile to match the vibe of his father, I guess he must be a biological son…

Let’s satisfy the egos of those who think that a guy who listens to Kanye West and behaves like a gangster is the son of somebody who looked like the most Persian guy to have lived on this planet.

Look at how similar he is to Thomas. Wow, undeniable similarity! Of course, just sarcasm in form of mockery.

But about Alexander, we will talk about much later.

The focus is only on the real children here, not on the fake children. And Thomas, of course, also had children with his current wife called Claudia “Hess”, most likely a son too. It’s not clear, but we’ve made some attempts at finding it.

For the enthusiasts of the new technologies, we will show some experiments we made. An experimental baby mixing the faces of Thomas and Claudia.


And of course, there is not a single trace of “Alexander” here. We do have an idea who could be the child. But it’s only speculative and we cannot prove until we have more clues.

As for the other children with the Balling family, we’re absolutely certain. Unfortunately, we have only managed to find two children out of many that they had. The search continues.

The Ballings were very clever, they managed to find suitable moms who would look exactly like their children. They don’t count the males in the family, similar to the Kardashians. Their search was very specific, and they did everything they could to find a suitable look-alike, despite the fact that there are few people who would thoroughly analyze and research such things. Who would notice the differences in nose shapes, for example?

In short: nobody would give a damn about who are the parents of X person, and whether they look genetically similar. However, the three witches still did their homework and made sure to clear doubts.

Now let’s reveal the first child.

The first child who was born in 1981, Dolores’s child, is a boy who was sent to a peasants’ family nearby in Bavaria. The Ballings mostly lived in Munich, while Nora also lived in France, California, Austria, etc. With the first child, it was much more conceivable for Dolores to keep the boy close to home, as close to Bavaria as possible.

The boy grew up, and when he was only 10 years old, he had his first TV-appearance. Since he was a little boy, he was always seen playing the accordion along with the traditional Bavarian folk music in the background. Even as a child up to his adulthood, he had long hair, just like his father. The only difference, is that this boy painted his hair golden blonde.

In 2002 he became a host of a German TV show for the first time, since then, he has hosted over a hundred shows in German televisions, now he is among most famous hosts in the country, where his shows score huge ratings in audience. Sometimes scoring even higher than Dieter Bohlen’s talent shows such as Das Supertalent or Deutschland Sucht den Superstar.

His name is Florian Silbereisen.

And since 2018, he has been working with Thomas as his duo partner and have released quite a few albums in Schlager genre, which were quite successful. In 2020, for the first time, Thomas reached a number one solo, his album with Silbereisen scored at the top of album charts for 2020 in Germany. For 6 years and counting, the two have been inseparable, singing and performing together in German Tv shows with very high audience.

In Germany, this despised genre called Schlager has its own fanbase, too. It brings several German artists and producers a lot of money and commercial success. A lot of winners from Bohlen’s talent shows also and often pursue Schlager due to the high demand.

You could say that Thomas was really lucky, despite personal success having come quite late.

Just like Thomas, Silbereisen has also been bombarded with gay-rumors since he was in his 20s. He was the former boyfriend of German pop star Helene Fischer for 10 years, and his private life now has been quite secret. The gay-rumors in Germany have been amplified after his separation with Fischer in 2018, and the collaboration with Thomas in the very same year. The “chemistry” and the “warmth” that the duo has on stage, according to fans and the media, leaves place for rumors.

Indeed, they have a lot of tenderness for each other.

But this warmth and chemistry doesn’t come mutual gay love… It comes from father-son bond. But because people cannot think beyond what they’re told, they just assume the most perverted things they can think of.

And this is how Silbereisen looked like in his young years. And now the older he gets, the more he looks like Thomas.


To create an idea of what the children of Thomas and Dolores can look like, we made some fun experiments. And, funnily enough, you can see that the boy on the right, an AI made child, looks like Florian.

Unfortunately, we still have not found the child of Marion, so we will jump right ahead to Eleanor, or Nora. And for this, we will explain everything in detail and going back to the past.

In 1985, Nora had visibly gained a lot of weight and behaved strangely in the photographs. She would often hide behind Thomas to hide her pregnancy. Apparently, she liked to eat so much ice cream that year that she couldn’t live without it. A typical behavior for a pregnant woman.

You can find the “ice cream” detail here in this BRAVO magazine

The funny thing is, that her bump was also noticed by the media and the fans. In this BRAVO report already in June 1985, they had already speculated from other sources that Nora is pregnant. So, IS IT TRUE THAT NORA IS PREGNANT?, asks Bravo. But Thomas dismisses such rumors. It’s interesting that Nora, despite the fact that she liked the attention in the media when it was convenient for her, she didn’t want to dismiss the rumors herself. That’s why she sent Thomas instead to do it.

BRAVO 1985

That’s why, we see more of her controlling behavior from 1985 and 1986. And it wasn’t just from pregnancy, but also because Thomas was often seriously ill. It became too unbearable for the fans who wanted to take pictures and sign autographs with Thomas. It also happened that Nora would take Thomas with her after every (playback) TV performance of Modern Talking, and completely left the fans and the cameras hanging. She would always hide and would take Thomas everywhere with her. It was inexplicable for others why they were doing it.

The fans were already worried about Thomas, but some others looked at such behavior with disgust. To them, it seemed like Thomas had become too arrogant. But that wasn’t the case.


This BRAVO report explains that Thomas, who was feeling unwell, (as always) once he finishes the performance at Peters’ Pop show in 1985, is taken by Nora and disappear at the back entrance very quick and both leave without any word.

Thankfully, there does exist a photograph of Nora and Thomas. It’s unknown whether it was taken before or after the show. But it was taken in November 1985

And it’s already a big proof of her pregnancy as she manages and tries to hide her bump by putting both hands on the belly and bending. It can be seen so well that her belly became fat, and at the same time, she looks very uncomfortable when she tries to hide the pregnancy.

A little later, somewhere around December, Nora gave birth to a very beautiful girl, whom she sent to a very close friend of hers who was invited to the wedding and all of a sudden did not come. This friend, before pursuing a career in the Schlager scene, was a sportsman. A very famous ski player from Austria, the great Hansi Hinterseer.

“one of the honorary guests at the wedding will be Jurgen Drews and Hansi Hinterseer. Nora and Hansi get along with each other since years, that even Thomas is sometimes rightfully jealous. – BRAVO

Hansi was described as a very close friend of Nora, and have known each other for years, says a BRAVO report from 1985, and his photo also was hung on the walls at Nora’s home. From the beginning you notice how suspicious everything is, given Nora’s age, she was almost 21 and she is told to be close friends with someone 10 years older (Hansi was born in 1954) “for a very long time”.

Despite the fact that he was invited to the wedding as a very good friend, he didn’t appear at the wedding, while the famous Schlager singer and honorary guest Jürgen Drews did. Curiosity brought us to see what was Hansi’s family up to… and we found something interesting.

It was clear to us that, upon seeing the eldest daughter, Nora gave her daughter away to Hansi. He has been married to a woman called Romana Hinterseer since May 1986 and have two daughters. The eldest daughter was born in 29th July 1986. But, there already exists an article which completely disproves this. And it’s way too coincidental. Sometimes, official facts aren’t 100% true.

In June 1986, there already exists this article where it says that Nora and Thomas will visit Hansi in end July 1986, as he was organizing a tennis match with his friends in Austria and many celebrities would attend it. It is already emphasized by Nora here that it will happen on her birthday. So what’s the catch here?

The eldest daughter of Hinterseer couple was officially born in 29th July 1986, while the visit of Nora and this event would take place in 31st July.

So… the man was organizing tennis matches with his friends while his wife was giving birth? Even the most abusive partner would want to be at all costs at the birth of his child. Besides, the dates are so close to each other. Well, how more obvious should it be that even the most average human will be stained up to his neck with secrets?

The eldest daughter, who is called Jessica Hinterseer, was given away to Hansi on 29th July 1986, then two days later Nora and Thomas attended Hansi’s tennis party. They already found an excuse why they had to be there.

Jessica, a copy of Nora but with Thomas’ features apart from the lips. And not a single anthropological similarity with Romana Hinterseer nor with Hansi. But you have to admit, the women look very similar to each other that you can’t even notice it at all

If only they had the same nose, chin and jaw…… 😉

She lives quite a private life with her partner Timo Scheider, German racing driver and her two children. Nowadays, Hinterseer is a very prominent celebrity in German Schlager scene. Invited at Florian Silbereisen’s Schlager shows, where Thomas also performs.

Jessica Hinterseer und Timo Scheider

And as we did with the possible children of Claudia and Dolores, we also did experiments with Thomas and Nora.

At the top right is the daughter. With a little make-up and facial regulations, no matter how you change them, it will always show this AI daughter who is very similar to Jessica. In cheekbones, eye shape and lips.

The photos on the right are modifications with all the facial specifics, while the photos on the left-hand side are software results pre-modification.

As you can see, we already take our job very seriously.

By 1991, as it’s said in the last sentence, there were already talks of “baby plans” from Nora and Thomas. Looks like it can be solid evidence of the “patterns” that the Balling family followed. Naturally, it’ll take a while until all the children are found.

The first two children you see in the thumbnail are real children, but due to strict privacy restrictions in Germany, we’ve decided to blur their pictures. As they’re only private pictures from the families themselves.

The third boy from the right, we believe that he is among the children at only at 75-85% certainty, even though it is this big confidence that the boy on the far right is also Thomas’ son that he had with Claudia. We have seen how he looks like in many photographs and we’ve been quite analytical. Yet we’re unsure and we don’t want to risk anything.

But all things considered, there is undoubtedly a big problem with this whole “ritual” or superstition of sending away children of the man you’re having sex every day with. But again, we’re talking about bad people and pedophiles here. Not normal humans.

Imagine you’re holding a baby in your arms that is not yours, while your real children are being kept warm in another family’s embrace, and as they grow up, you see them on TV reaching the heights. It’s heartless, painful, indescribable.

In this mad world, horrible people always thrive, get and do what they want without repercussions.


  1. Am very intrigued and deeply impressed by your research and uber professional presentation…I just do not understand ‘why’ they do this…maybe I never will…

  2. which thumbnails are you referring to in the 3rd to last paragraph above? none of the photos you have of possible blended children are blurred.

    1. Hi Susy.
      The thumbnail, we mean “headline”, there are three photos of the real children blurred to avoid having problems with German law. There is a strict law that protects the rights of children and their faces must not be posted online.

    1. He is, he is. Thomas already WORKS with one of them. If you pay attention it is said in the article.

      Children are not to blame and Thomas knows. And we think he knew what was going to happen.

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