About Us.

A warm welcome to the new readers who’ve come to find out the truth about one of the greatest musical groups in history, that created an inimitable, impeccable sound so ahead of its time. So many scandals have surrounded Modern Talking over the past 40 years, and what you’ve been told is only a small percent of the reality that might be later difficult to accept.

We are a group of normal citizens, who’ve been investigating for a long time the history of this group. After so many shocking revelations, we decided to go public and open this website, with our own pocket money, and without any desire or goal of making money out of it. We are advocates of the truth and nothing but the truth. And advocates for those people who have been wronged.

With all that said…

About Dieter Bohlen, you will learn that he is not the genius behind Modern Talking songs and vocals… You will learn that the lyrics of Modern Talking were neither obscure nor stupid, but were love poems with homosexual undertones. You will learn that Dieter is not the son of an architect, but an illegal boy of a German prostitute, who sent his cousin, Claudia, to marry Thomas.

About Thomas Anders, you will learn that he was the genius behind 50% of this group’s success. You will learn that he is not the son of a town mayor, but the pure-blooded prince of an ancient German imperial family. You will learn that his wife, Eleanor Balling, is not the stupid teenager who cheated on her husband, but a psychopath who came from a pedophile family that conceived more than 3 children with Anders, since he was 15 years old.

Here, you will learn the truth, and nothing but the truth.