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Is Thomas Anders a singer because he wants to or is he also forced to do so?

Thomas have a big talent to sing, but you said he was forced in a article?

Singing is a natural gift. But whether he was really forced (in the industry) we cant say for sure. 🤷‍♂️ in the past he always said he wanted to become a journalist. It was only in 2011 where he said in the book that he wanted "to become singer at all costs" and "studied musicology to be involved in music". So if he really wanted to be involved in music he could have studied in academy of arts as all songwriters and singers. Instead he studied German languages, musicology and journalism. And musicology is rather a field similar to psychology, sociology, natural sciences, computer sciences (you can find on internet). You dont learn how to sing there. 🤷‍♂️