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Have you ever thought about looking for Thomas's baptismal certificate?

Have you ever thought about looking for Thomas's baptismal certificate?

Well no, he doesn't have a middle-name, nor from birth or from baptism. It is a long time tradition of Catholic/Christian Germans to have it and people would've already known it. Dieter has a middle name (Günter). But Bernd doesn't. Yes, it's quite suspicious.

His brothers dont have either.

If you mean his real siblings (Gloria, Maya, Alexander) yes they have, and many names. In Weidung family yes they don't. Probably also sister doesn't have.

"But Bernd doesn't. Yes, it's quite suspicious."

He does. His middle name is Christopher. (Bernhardt Christopher Weidung). This info its not online so yea it doesnt help.

Wow! That's new info. An interesting choice of name for sure, since it was not that popular in the 1950s-1960s Germany.

One of Thomas' cousins is also named "Christoph". (The sound designer)

But what's interesting is that Joachim (Thomas' father) also has it in his middle names: Joachim Heinrich Maria Carl Rudolf Franz Xaver Joseph Antonius Christophorus Hubertus Alfons Graf von Schönburg-Glauchau.

Turns out these are names of grandparents, siblings and parents.