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Are there any black contracts on Modern Talking?

Anders said Dieter got almost all the profits in his autobiography. And when he made the demos and owned the original multitracks these are still attributed to Dieter. I wonder if there are any contracts on profits or royalties between them.

I might be wrong and forgive my English.

Undoubtedly there exist black contracts. Look at what happened to the choir singers (Systems in Blue). They did not say Dieter Bohlen did not sing, BUT when they were asked about it, they said "we cannot comment on it due to a contract".

It is almost certain that nobody can say anything, even about who composed the songs. E.g. before this controversy became known, everyone said that it was Dieter who recorded the falsetto vocals and did it with 100 layers of voices. Nobody talked about "studio singers". (Only Michael Scholz was once mentioned in a Bild article from 1998 as Dieter's backvocal) Thomas in 2001 even said "Dieter sang and recorded the falsettos".

Later when this secret became known everyone could freely say that it was not the case. Even Thomas last year said. Pretty sure its gonna be the same with the demos, compositions, multitracks etc. If it comes out that Dieter didnt make anything other people will also follow suit to say the same thing

Then the reason Thomas can't claim ownership of the demo song is probably due to an unfair contract, right?

Obviously. He cannot claim authorship because of contracts and "deals". Can be intimidated. For example: "Dont say you made the songs, or we'll kill your children". etc. But Dieter received the rights to perform the songs 5-6 years ago. So there was 10000% a compromise involved.

Then Dieter is involved in such black contracts and intimidation. How wicked he is.