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I know it is a stupid question, but will Dieter sue this websit?

I know it is a stupid question, but just in case.


Is there a law in Germany that criminalizes the defamation of others? If it is true, would Dieter sue this website if he finds it?

Not a stupid question.

Yes, there exists a law in Germany that criminalizes defamation. It's a criminal offense that is also punishable with imprisonment or just paying a fine. (Dieter had to pay half a million euro to Thomas for the stupid things he wrote in the book). So yes, technically, Dieter was found guilty and COMMITTED a criminal offense under German law of constitution.

However, as far as our website is concerned, we are located in a non-EU country. The least they can do is use brute force and close the website. But that's also pretty difficult task. We're not only from a non-EU country, but also the website's servers are in the US.

The best they can do, though, is trace our location and kill us. 🙂

We're pretty sure that in the near future (or maybe even now) Dieter or anybody will be notified about the website. Some forum dedicated about the "Pop-Titan" also attached our website there so readers would definitely notify him.

But there are also other people involved, not just Dieter. We do not think that, for example, Thomas' family would be amused to read that we found out their dirty secret. 🙂