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Thomas' REAL age might not be 1963

Thomas mentioned in his autobiography that he completed the first 2 years of elementary school in a village school cuz there was no professional school in his town. I find it hard to believe, his dad ( both adoptive and biological) had influence and could put him in any good school nearby. It was an excuse on why did he jump immediately to 3rd grade of elementary school.

There also exists a song called "Titanic 650604" of Blue System. Makes no sense why is such a number there unless it talks about a date...? Cant say for sure with Bohlen's complicated brain but could it be a date of birth...? Either 4th June 1965 or 6th April 1965..? Maybe TA's real date of birth...

Yes could be. The lyrics are also written in second person. and "Titanic" definitely does not talk about the ship but about a person.

one thing not mentioned: in the book he also wrote that he was born "on a Sunday". But 1st March in 1963 was Friday, not Sunday. Either they and him do not remember what day it was or he was really born on a Sunday and is trying to hint at something.

His mom said Thursday


"March 1, 1963 was Sunday. I was born in the evening, just after six, in the town of Münstermaifeld near Koblenz, under the name Bernd Weidung." - from the book.

It was Friday.

It's actually quite common to misremember close days. but here, he also contradicts "his" mom. She says Thursday, Thomas says Sunday, but the day was actually Friday.


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the writers wouldnt have known that old calendar dates could be looked up on the internet 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂