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Dieter Bohlen has rape tendencies.

Might not have proof and evidence he "raped" and is a rapist but he shows everywhere a tendency of wanting to have violent sex even if its not consensual. No matter who is the victim, he admits a lot about what he wants to do.

Read some lyrics of Blue System and its very clear he has psychological problems.

 Song Old Town (1994) from album "21st century"

"Baby I will hate you to a danger zone [...] Under pressure maximum sex"

he says here only violence turns him on, that if the victim fights or resists it will make it more violent and enjoyable.

"I will see you and hold you in L.A."  - I am scared to think to whom is this text dedicated...

Song Do You Wanna Be My Girlfriend (1988) from album "Body Heat"

Emmeline you are so hot
Oh Emmeline I need you
You break my heart
Talkin' in the sleep
Cryin' too much tears
You're too young to die
Have too much fears

Starts verse with wanting to have sex and the victim cries in the sleep "because of fears" - in other words, got raped.

Song Read My Lips (1991) from album "Seeds of Heaven"

Oh it's too late to stop me girl
Breakin' up it's not my world
I just want to make good love to you
Sorry doesn't make it right
Baby in a restless night
Can't you see babe what love can do

Victim cannot stop the rapist, because the rapist is in love and is going crazy. He justifies this action that its due to this crazy "love"

Song It's Ecstasy (1995) from album "Forever Blue"

You said no, but your heart is
telling me yes yes yes
Can you keep a secret baby ?
Can you keep it in your heart ?

A love between a woman and a man doesnt have to be a secret. but its clear that it talks about gay romance. unless the secret is also another case of violent rape cuz the victim says "no".... or a case for gay rape...


only checked out these songs. there always has to be a song with some violent sex in albums... not so prominent but it doesnt mean he doesnt show it. and thats a testament to his violent behavior with women and girlfriends.

Thomas once mentioned Dieter was manipulative and possessive towards women.  If someone is being manipulative, will do something against others wills just for the sake of one's love or interest. Kind of reflection?

In Thomas book it s said that Dieter controlled especially Nadja and didnt allow her to be near any person she also couldnt talk with anyone without his permission he also took her phone etc etc he did all these things just to cheat on her again. Anyway girls love macho men thats why lot of his girlfriends "loved" and tolerated Dieter's behavior  : arrogant, rich and reputation for being a womanizer