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Why is Dieter always biting Thomas while Thomas is silent?

When I ran into Dieter's Instagram, he was saying that Thomas was lying Dieter never song and pretending to the MT itself. According to the admin Dieter used to say he will sue Thomas but he never. Meanwhile Thomas mentions nothing about Dieter and still works on his concerts. Is Dieter trying to humiliate Thomas or actually going to sue him?

Ghostwriters are never credited for the songs they write but receive a small commission from the producers that buy songs from them. It means that Thomas' role at MT might've been bigger than we can imagine.

Not just creating demos, having the right to change the arrangements of the songs in concerts (for more than 3 decades), or quite simply have his own live band that plays the music of MT. But he could've also been involved in songwriting (come up with his own guitar riffs or piano lines etc)

Thomas as a singer basically has the right to do and have so many things in regards to MT songs. This never happens on such similar cases, unless the singer is himself a producer and a songwriter. And with all things that we know Thomas SEEMS like the producer and the songwriter. In general singers just tend to sing to a backing track, not have a live band or have such rights. We see for example that CC Catch and Bonnie Tyler do not have the rights to sing Bohlen songs.

And Dieter has no leverage in suing Thomas, despite having threatened to do so for years. Because there might have been some things which happened in the studios that Dieter would absolutely not want anybody to know. So yes, all these things are just attempts at humiliating him and make him look a terrible person.

Because Bohlen said on insta: "Thomas tours with my songs and I earn no money from it". Meanwhile Dieter also said once: "I don't own the songs, record company does". Here it's lie after lie: Yes he doesn't own the songs that's why Thomas tours with them. And if Thomas was touring with Bohlen's songs the record company would certainly not be happy.

If you are smart enough to recognize these loopholes you will realize Bohlen is a lying fraud