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What started you on this journey into research?

Modern Talking had been conquering Europe and everywhere over decades. It is never strange to make researches into this group, but what made you dig this deep into MT?

We started investigating deeper almost two years ago. Speaking for myself, I have a MT CD. So I grew up with them also.

To be honest we didn't expect to find that much of information. We also were like 99% of MT fans, knowing only the "official facts". What started all of this, was the fact that, one day, one of us noticed Dieter Bohlen being way too close with Thomas Anders, meaning licking his earlobes, a very erogenous zone. It's weird behavior. So from this, it started. Fate wanted that we got together, likeminded people (can also say "fans") who are curious, and who don't judge you.

Then in the next months, we became a team. From fun curiosity to real serious topic. Soon enough this turned into an investigation. For two years we kept investigating and trying to piece things altogether.

The things we found were shocking and difficult to accept but with time we accepted that this is how it was. In the end there are also things that should've been obvious from the start, e.g.: that Thomas is not a normal dude, and has different parents. The fact that people back then labelled him as a "Godlike" being sometimes speaks volumes.

Then we decided to open this website with our pocket money. We are sure we don't even know half of the story. But what we know is MORE than what the public knows. That's why we decided to share what we know to the public who has believed in a lie for decades, and worse, have allowed the behavior of terrible people and bullied the good people.

We aren't saying we're right, and neither we're accusing. We can also be wrong for some things (that Dieter is a rapist, it's a grave accusation that needs evidence and testimony of victims). In these cases we are only being suspicious of one's behavior. Basically, it's like saying: WHY was it like that?

Regardless, we know the risks. A lot of powerful people are involved in the story. And... you never know with them...