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If Thomas was sold to music industry, who signed the contacts?

He nade his first debut and released his first album at 16. If Thomas was sold to the music industry, who signed the contract? He wasn't even old enough to sign the contract on his own.

In the 1980s it was said that "his" father (Peter) handles contractual matters of the "son". After winning a talent competition at the age of 14 he signed a contract with a manager that was interested in financial matters. He couldn't even get out of the contract and had to stay with this dude for three years. He said "I was inexperienced, but you learn from mistakes". So as we always said Weidung family sold him to the industry and made him sign bad contracts.

And... how is it associated with Balling family? Oh they gave into the Ballings.

Because they most likely noticed Thomas and knew who he was and where he came from.