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If Dieter loves Thomas so much, why didn't he accept the 20 million dollar offer for Modern Talking to come back?

I see it in Brazilian wikipedia of Modern Talking

It's not like that. There was a nation wide story in 2014 that there would be a comeback. That the songs were already finished and both were in studio in absolute secrecy.... then this did not happen. Perhaps Dieter was sure that Thomas would accept but then was met with cold shoulder.

It took Thomas years to accept the revival of Modern Talking in 1998, even though after 1994 they both began talking and meeting more frequently. So first has to be Thomas' "yes, I'll do it" before deciding on a revival of the band. This is what happened in that year. First, rumors were spread that MT would be revived, then they had their first appearance together on end of March in "Wetten, dass...", a couple of months after the rumors.

It's possible this is what happened in 2014. Dieter might've been sure, but then it did not happen. Then had to spread rumors that he refused a big offer. But that's just our opinion.

Thomas also said in an interview from 2017 that Dieter still calls him for a comeback. So in all times it's Dieter who is the initiator. So.... he loves him... and his brilliant mind and talent. Without a doubt.