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Thomas' sciatica in 2012 might've not been a usual sciatica

In 2012 Thomas announced on facebook page of "ANDERS | FAHRENKROG" (a duo created in 2011 who had ok success in the country but then broke up, page name was changed but from URL you can see its them) that concerts in Germany got cancelled cuz he had "incarcerated sciatic nerve".

Usual sciatica i mean getting it from "inactive" lifestyle (like sitting all day due to your job) stretched muscles from big physical activity, obesity (the main causes), but in Thomas's case he doesnt tick any of these. he wasnt and isnt obese, and is neither active or inactive. so from my opinion... he received it from the sexual abuse.

from the incident in that gay bar in London that he ended up in hospital for 2 weeks after that i dont think it came from "diziness" of course you cant be treated in a hospital for such a long time and lose 4 kg at the same time just from "dizziness" and stress, i think from the abuse he lost too much blood, lost his consciousness and his spine was severely damaged... thats why he also has lower back pain. dont want to go too much in detail... but i guess you get the idea...

TL DR: his sciatic nerve was severely damaged from the sexual abuse.

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Well he was in his late 40s back then. It is much more likely to develop bone spur or the vertebral discs to herniate when people age, especially in men.

its more likely yes but i already mentioned what causes sciatica and its not exclusive to that age and you cant get it out of nowhere just cuz you get older.

men in 40-50s or older who lived a sedentary life sitting on chair all day or on seat of the car as chauffeurs can get sciatica. men who dont do any activity can get sciatica. men who did really hard physical jobs also can get sciatica: stretching of muscles, bending of spine etc.

athletes can also get sciatica, stretching of muscles.

in old men the effects of their lifestyle/jobs appear later in life, true. But Thomas does he qualify as a guy who lived an inactive lifestyle? or active? i dont think so.

in his mid 20s it was known he was occasionally working out in gym, he was part of a sports gym in LA, he admitted it. and took swimming lessons. (he didnt know how to swim)

aside from that his job and his occupation itself doesnt allow him to be sitting on chair all day. not with those 50-60 shows a year where he has to stand on feet 1-2 hours.

so yes not active but not inactive either. its "normal".

for me its clear that sexual abuse caused it. there are many nerves in the lower back and are connected with sciatic nerve, any injury or damage to them can trigger pain. and its not uncommon, women for example have suffered sciatica just from careless anal sex. its just the truth.