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Thomas and Nora using the same clothes (2)

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Very good 👏👏

there are so many examples. 😨😨 with both Dieter and Nora, but with Nora more..

If you have more photos, please post them only here.

i'll add other photos

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Are they the same clothes?

the zipper is also in the same place...


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Yeah... good observation.

Its pretty clear she forced him to wear women's clothes.

One question, after all, are these clothes for women or men? (I think the blue jacket is male)

Maybe only the blue jacket. She wore 'masculine' clothes when she was pregnant.

But the clothes Thomas "wore" are for women.

Certainly there are more examples: the outfit he wore for Brother Louie or Atlantis is Calling music videos, female clothes.

Or the white sweater he wore in an interview at "Na, sowas" at Thomas Gottschalk show.

Citação de The Admin Staff em 09/09/2024, 00:18

Talvez apenas a jaqueta azul. Ela usava roupas "masculinas" quando estava grávida.

Mas as roupas que Thomas "vestia" eram para mulheres.

Certamente há mais exemplos: a roupa que ele usou nos videoclipes de Brother Louie ou Atlantis is Calling, roupas femininas.

Ou o suéter branco que ele usou em uma entrevista no "Na, sowas" do programa Thomas Gottschalk.


What do you mean "why" ?

Why the clothes are "feminine"?

The cropped jackets he wore for the concerts in Chile. They are women's style, way above the waist.

The pink coat where there's that cross, it is also women's style, especially for tall women.

Etc. Etc. As a woman you can see that better than me. 😅😅

These role switches are only common in BDSM relationships. Where the woman takes dominant role and forces her man into what is called "femininization".

The woman forces her man to wear women's clothes, be painted with make-up, behave femininely in public and even wear feminine type of underwear. Sometimes it's done with man's consent, sometimes it's done as a humiliation to the man.

Although she forced him to wear women's clothes, she didn't dare "emasculate" him. In the end, a lot of girls loved him, just like many hated him. So it's that image that made people wow. And he looked beautiful, of course.

In addition, many people said he looked like a prince. With or without women's clothes, they had already sensed that he was a PRINCE. And that says a lot.

After all, didn't they just lend each other clothes?
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