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How did Thomas manage to hide it so well and act so naturally while being abused on a daily basis?

How did Thomas manage to hide it so well and act so naturally while being abused on a daily basis?

This is so strange.

It's not so strange though. They can do anything through contracts, threats, and intimidation. But also the fact that Thomas had no choice. There are things we don't know but can assume from how it happened to other artists. A recent example is also Justin Bieber, abused by males in the music industry but always acted like he was fine. And now he is suffering massively.

Or actor Brendan Fraser... he was abused in 2002 by a man but he also went through a slow process of depression and transformation just like Thomas. He was very healthy, muscular, and strong, and one sexual abuse transformed him completely, gained fat and became unrecognizable. We can't even imagine what must have happened to Thomas, where the abuse was a constant occurrence for him. Instead, they made fun of him that he gained fat from eating.